Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday Friend Recipe #178 -- Chicken Enchiladas Au Graten

My Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown #175!

Georgann's Chicken Enchiladas Au Graten

and you know all the whys and wherefores of this countdown, right? Homemade cookbook, friends contributed, Handyman said I couldn't/wouldn't do it, I'll show him, yadda yadda yadda....

...and the rest is cookbook history!

A different twist on a popular Mexican-chicken dish!
It was so popular it was entered 2x in the FF Cookbook even.
This one uses Swiss cheese instead of Jack or Cheddar which is what you usually see in an enchilada.
It didn't taste so much Mexican as it did just plain old good.

This is Georgann's  2nd appearance in the Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown.
I worked with Georgann for five years, in an elementary school library,  before we moved away (back to Nevada) and in that time we became good friends.  We had the opportunity to travel a bit to certain library functions, book buying trips and a young readers award convention to name a few things. Georgie is fun to travel with--although she always trusted me more on California freeways more than I trusted myself -- we would shop and visit and laugh together.  We just had only little hang up.  She's the kind of person who wants to share a meal.
That's right.
Share a meal.

I don't want to share a meal.  Ever.  Not even with the Handyman.  
(not that I'll always finish my meal--I do tend to take stuff home--I just don't want to share. I'm weird, I know.  Georgann got used to me thank goodness!)

Georgann is teeny.  The kind of person who 'got so busy, she forgot to eat last night'
I've never forgotten to eat. 😕

Maybe I should have shared more meals with her?!

It is hard for me to find photos with Georgann, because this was way before cell phones.  I did come across these two -- one with me and Georgann about 20 years ago and then one taken at the same time with  Traci Marques, who besides having lots of recipes in the cookbook countdown-- had  the  recipe to start the whole thing!  It was #1 in the countdown.
Georgann has since retired and Traci is an elementary school librarian counting the days till retirement!

You can see all of Georgann's recipes here.
You can see all of Traci's recipes here.

This is recipe #178--only 116 left to go!
I was checking off how many entries I had left for each person/Friday friend (as to not saturate at the end with one person) and something wasn't adding  up to me, so I did a recount and there are 376 recipes left!!!
I was devastated!  And I wrote so on Facebook -- which you know, you should never post anything serious on there --and this wasn't, I was exaggerating (slightly), it was more like "ugh!  You're kidding me right?"
But some of my friends took me literally.
What...they can't understand sarcasm on Facebook?  sheesh!
If I were really devastated, I wouldn't be posting it on Facebook.  Just so you know.

Now I know that you'll all be DEVESTATED to not have a correct countdown for now... because when I counted the 376, I didn't take into account the few recipes that  are entered into different sections -- this one for instance, was entered into both Mexican and chicken sections.
So... this is recipe #178, but I have only an estimate of how many I have left to go....
194?  196?  189?
I hope you'll stay with me for the ride!

1 comment:

Katherine P said...

This sounds delicious! I'm not usually a huge enchilada fan but this sounds tasty.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...