Monday, January 22, 2018

Friday Friend Recipe #179 and #180-- Chicken Dressing Casserole and Potluck Potato Salad

Come with me as I continue to countdown my Friday Friend Cookbook!

What is it, you may ask?

In a nutshell...
About 19 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different categories and we compiled a cookbook.
I decided to count those down!

Because  one night I was looking thru the cookbook and I said, "I should make every recipe in here for my blog"
The Handyman--who thinks he knows me better than I know myself, said,  "you'll never EVER do that."
Well,  maybe I will!  Maybe I'll show him!

Which brings me to recipes #179 and #180

Barb's Potluck Potato Salad and Chicken Dressing Casserole

Let's talk about my friend Barbara Brown!
I have no recollection of how it was decided  she would type  up the Friday Friend cookbook.  (but THANK GOODNESS she did, or it might not have ever gotten done).  I mean, the Friday Friend Forum was facilitated by me.  I knew every one, I asked the questions, I cut and pasted and resent answers and stories to everyone.  No one had access to each other without me.
(or maybe they did and I didn't know about it?)
But somehow, someway,  she did all the hard work and typed up the whole thing!  

See below 
It used to be pristine.  Nice and neat and new.
But as you can tell---it is  very well  used by me.
It has stickers and notations and folded corners now.

All these  years later, Barb is not the only one who had the hard, hard work of typing up and making a book --- I feel I'm doing a hard, hard job in MAKING ALL THE DANG RECIPES!
And then Shelly  is doing some hard, hard work  putting all my blog posts on Shutterfly and making me some 'real' cookbooks!
You can see the back of one two photos up--next to the potato salad, which is what this post is supposed to be about. 

Last June, Barb came thru town on her way to the Oregon Coast, and spent a night or two with us.  I made her make her own potato salad--that was in the cookbook. She said it was kind of cheating since I didn't make it, but I said it was okay.
(oh look!  There is the front of a Friday Friend Cookbook that Shelly made for me--on the counter)

I invited Shelly and her husband Lorin and April and her husband Doug over to see Barb and enjoy a real original Friday Friend recipe! I do this every so often--invite them over for a  Friday Friend meal, but never by the original artist!

At this same time, I was watching Otis, my daughter-in-law's dog, while they were out of town.
Let's just say that Otis is not very well socialized (they don't get out a lot is all) and we always thought he was a little aggressive, so I told everyone to not follow the Handyman outside when he was doing the grilling. 
*sigh*  I should have known better. I should have never said a work, because as soon as I said 'dog' and 'don't'   Lorin was going to make friends with Otis no matter what.
And he did.

So  then I got so excited that Otis was not an aggressive dog I began taking pictures of Otis (whom Lorin let into my house!) hanging around people, that I forgot to get a picture of Barb and me and Shelly and April--all FRIDAY FRIENDS!
I got their husbands tho...Lorin outside with Otis, Doug inside with Otis under the table.

And one of Barb (in serious conversation) and Otis.
But--sadly none of four Friday Friends together.  What was I thinking?

The Potato Salad was a hit tho.... 

Oh yeah, she has this really delicious Chicken Dressing Casserole in the cookbook too!
I made this earlier in the year---it's a great comfort food. 
Warm and filling and kind of holiday tasting.

This is recipe #180--only 114 left to go!

I have somewhere in the vicinity of 190 left to go.
One of these days....I'll be done.


bermudaonion said...

Your stories are even better than the recipes.

Stefanie said...

How fun everyone is together but at the same time doing her/his own thing.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...