(yes, this is our garage)
Last night was Halloween.... I love it.
Well.... I just like the "fallishness" of it.
I like spooky stories and I like spooky movies (not horror, slasher movies, but good old-fashioned spooky movies).
I made a couple of pots of chili early in the day, so that in the evening people could just help themselves to something hot to eat. (chili's will be posted on my soup blog.... later today, http://ahhhsomesoups.blogspot.com/ )
We are pretty much the stopping point for a lot of our friends with smaller children. The nice end of the evening house, after a long haul from house to house to house Trick-or-Treating. In our neighborhood we get between 200-400 kids, depending on the weather, if it's a school night, etc. So, it can get kind of hectic and I didn't need to try to be making supper while answering the door over 100 times.
Last night was a perfect night for little ghouls....around 4:00 p.m. the wind stopped blowing and it stopped sprinkling, and was just a nice calm evening.
My friend Robbie brought over an appetizer... I'm not sure what we should call it, so I will call it "Robbie's appetizer".
Pita bread with chopped tomatoes, basil and balsamic vinegar and sprinkled blue cheese, then popped them in the micro-wave to just make them warm. The cheese wasn't even melted---just warm.
They were SO GOOD.
So, I stole the recipe.... LOL ..... named it after Robbie and am blogging about it. (as well as pictures of my little Friday Friend spooks)
Well.... I just like the "fallishness" of it.
I like spooky stories and I like spooky movies (not horror, slasher movies, but good old-fashioned spooky movies).
I made a couple of pots of chili early in the day, so that in the evening people could just help themselves to something hot to eat. (chili's will be posted on my soup blog.... later today, http://ahhhsomesoups.blogspot.com/ )
We are pretty much the stopping point for a lot of our friends with smaller children. The nice end of the evening house, after a long haul from house to house to house Trick-or-Treating. In our neighborhood we get between 200-400 kids, depending on the weather, if it's a school night, etc. So, it can get kind of hectic and I didn't need to try to be making supper while answering the door over 100 times.
Last night was a perfect night for little ghouls....around 4:00 p.m. the wind stopped blowing and it stopped sprinkling, and was just a nice calm evening.
My friend Robbie brought over an appetizer... I'm not sure what we should call it, so I will call it "Robbie's appetizer".
Pita bread with chopped tomatoes, basil and balsamic vinegar and sprinkled blue cheese, then popped them in the micro-wave to just make them warm. The cheese wasn't even melted---just warm.
They were SO GOOD.
So, I stole the recipe.... LOL ..... named it after Robbie and am blogging about it. (as well as pictures of my little Friday Friend spooks)

Robbie's Appetizer
Whole Wheat pita bread
cherry tomatoes
fresh basil
balsamic vinegar
olive oil
crumbled blue cheese
Mix tomatoes, basil, olive oil and vinegar to taste. Sprinkle across a pita and crumble on the blue cheese.
Micro-wave until just warm.
Cut into triangles and serve.
Yummy! (if you like good stinky cheese)

And who stopped by on Halloween Night?
Makenna and Max. Makenna was a Godsend, as she loved to hand out candy....and she we were the last house on their stop, she, as the ghostly bellhop, gladly manned the door.

Nathaniel and Matthew, aka ghost and goblin, who enjoyed watching Disney's Icabod and Mr. Toad in my family room, while their mother and I and others enjoyed wine/beer and chili. Hey...we had the bellhop handing out the candy, so our duties were done, time to relax.
And Jenna and Nikki, back left and front right... I don't know who their friends are...

and Jenna and Nikki's mom...

Earlier in the day... my grandson, Camron came by.
They have the same pretty blue eyes....

Yesterday at 2:00, my doorbell rang and there were three young boys....about 4th/5th grade who were already Trick-or-Treating.
I told them to come back at 5:00.
Was that wrong? Mean? I had the candy..... and I was home, I just though it way too early to be out.
and I am not a Halloween Scrooge!! (as you can tell)
Earlier in the week, I had asked the "Original Friday Friend Forum" this:
either a term of endearment
pumkin, can you grab that spoon for me?
or...an idiot?
pumpkin head!
and a few of them responded....
from Sally in PA:
My October baby, Shelley, was always Pumpkin.
from Linda in WA:
I told Braydon (grandson) he was my pumpkin (term of endearment) and he told me hewas going to sit on my porch, 'cause that's where pumpkins sit.
from Theda in OR:
I am baking two different pumpkin desserts. So I can only associate pumpkin with happy sweet things. Such as last Friday going to the pumpkin patch with my little "pumpkin" (24 year old daughter). Picking out just the right pumpkin, eating the best caramel apples and buying donuts for breakfast the next day.
me/debbie in NV:
and that, my friends, is what Halloween is really all about.....caramel apples and donuts.
Oh, what a fun Halloween! Your garage looks spooooooky!! I want to do that! The appetizer looks irresistible -- I DEFINITELY want to do that!
I'm a fellow TWD baker, and I was thinking that it would be nice if we all could chip in and get Laurie some small token/gift for all the work she does. Would you be willing to contribute? If I can get enough people, it would only be about $1 per person. No pressure :-) Let me know! bethberg12@yahoo.com
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