Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday Snapshot

It is Saturday!  Time for a snapshot!
Here you go!

I LOVE this place!
The Wallowa Valley in north eastern Oregon.
My great-grandparents homesteaded here.
I don't have a photo of their....

.....wait, wait, wait  (I'm going to the old photo albums)

okay....I'm back....
my great-grandparents homestead in the Wallow Valley of North Eastern Oregon:

That's my great-granddad, James Larkin Staggs, on the horse.  About 1926. I have my grandma's little photo album and she kept pictures in it.  Labeled  everything.    I should be so dedicated. (sigh)
The black and white photo does not show the beauty of the place, but as you can tell from my more recent photos, it is very pretty.

The Handyman and I were watching TV last night and a commercial came on for Oklahoma-- a tourism commercial--and it said  "Oklahoma! An Amazing place!!"
But we looked at each other and said  "we think every place is an amazing place."  
Of course, we love our home, but don't you agree that every state has something AMAZING about them?


Sandra Nachlinger said...

Such a beautiful area, and what treasures you have in your grandmother's photos. How great that she labeled them! My husband and I have explored some of the Pacific Northwest since we moved here, but we haven't been to northeastern Oregon. Clearly we need to go there. Now that he's retired, maybe we'll have time. Thank you for taking me to a beautiful part of the country.

Louise said...

Your right, it's a very beautiful area. Great to have the old family photos too, they're so important.

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

Small world. My husband's grandparents lived on Hurricane Creek Road in Enterprise, Oregon. They had a view of the Wallowa Mountains out their living room window. This just blows me away that we have this in common. Small world.

bermudaonion said...

You are so lucky to have those old photos!

I agree that every state has something amazing. We've liked every place we've lived and have discovered that people everywhere are basically the same.

Susan Lindquist said...

Oh, I DO love old snapshots and that red barn is a keeper! I love to see old barns that are being kept up... they are such architectural treasures! Great snapshot share this week!

Sue Jackson said...

Yes, we feel the same! Every summer for almost 2 decades, we have traveled all over the US with our two sons (now 16 and 19), visiting almost every state.

We visited Oregon for the first time a few years ago - went to Crater Lake NP and stayed in a treehouse in southwestern Oregon - an amazing experience!

Love all of your photos - the beautiful ones and the old ones. Thanks for sharing.


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