Friday, May 16, 2014

Happy Friday--Spell it out.

There is a name for someone like me... but I don't know what it is.
Someone who  just lurks and picks and chooses what games (meme's/blog hops) to play.
I say that because today I found this one.. the Spell it out  Challenge. 
I think tho, that is is in the middle of another blog hop or challenge which I'm not doing.  (Bout of Books 10.0?)
I just saw this and thought it might be fun to try.
(forgive me all other blog hoppers/challengers---I just like to do what I like to do.  I mean,  I have no rhyme or reason for my blog---it's just a hobby for me, so sometimes YOUR challenges sound like fun.  And I take part.)
and truly, only my mother-in-law reads my blog.  And  a random friend or two.

The point of this challenge is to use books you have read or want to read to spell out a word.
For example, my I am going to spell out my name.  So I went to my book shelf and found a book in which the first word of the title  also  was a word that started with the first letter of my name.

The Spell It Out Challenge is being hosted by Kimberlyfaye over at Kimberlyfaye Reads! 
I am not going to link up, because I am not in their  reading challenge, but it is fun to hop over and see what other bloggers are spelling out!

My name is Debbie
and all these were taken from my bookshelf this morning.

 d-- I love a good vampire love story.  I actually do like  Sookie Stackhouse and also the TV Show.  I haven't read the whole series, but about half of it so far.

 e-- when we file a book on a library shelf, we never us 'the', so I felt justified using  "The" End of your Life...
This was a good memoir.

 b-- Yes, the is on my book shelf, but I have not read it yet.  I want too--my TBR Pile is just TOO BIG!

 b-- read this one for my  Totally Lit Book club-- about a year ago.  We all loved it.

 i-- I have not read this one either, but I have read the first in the series. Very good!!

 e-- and this one?  Very disturbing, but very good.

This was a lot harder than I thought it would be.  You try it!
The 'e' was hard.  And I have two of them.
Just find books on your book shelf and a word to spell.

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