Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saturday Snaptshot

What I did today---part 1

I did a short 3 mile walk.  I am just getting back into walking, but I plan to be back in shape for the Columbia Gorge Half-Marathon in October.

I am linking up to Saturday Snapshot hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.
Stop by her blog and check out all the other great links to Saturday Snapshot.

I began the walk with my DIL Jessica and my friends Robbie and Tami.
It was a fun morning!
I really do love to walk... I just haven't been doing it like I should.

You can't really see the balloons in the air, can you?
I'm not a fan of letting balloons go---because of the birds.  They are bad for the birds, but I have to admit, they look pretty.
IF you can see them.

The weather held for us and didn't rain while we were walking.  It was cool enough and warm enough.  Just right.

My good friend Nicole---talking to the crowd (with microphone) before the walk/run began.

Two great peeps,  Karen and Sally!
Getting ready to  runnnnnn........

My good friend Betty hugging Tami!


My good friends Sally and Paul. (the blue shirt and the man/gray shirt)  They RAN the 5 mile and were passing me on the 3 mile walk.   (sigh) it's been a while for me.  I need to get in shape again.

My good friends Robbie and Tami---coming in from their 5 mile walk. 
(look at the lady in red....she's saying  I FOUND THEM...because I they are usually fast walkers and they were kind of lolly-gagging today.)

My son asked me the other day to tell him who my best friend was.
I told him that it's not like that when you are older.... at least for me, it isn't.

 I am  lucky to have such good friends.  And so many of them!


bermudaonion said...

You have so many good friends because you're such a great friend. I walk around 3.5 miles every morning and wish we could walk together.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Friends are everything, I think!

Here's my Saturday Snapshot!

Louise said...

Community events like that are wonderful, great to do it with a group of friends. I like the race tshirt too.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...