Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I love to read

I love to read weird books about books.  
I don't  think the books about books are weird, I just think it's a weird thing to like as much as I do.

These three are following me around right now.
They go from my book table to my computer desk to my book bag here at work--the one I bring with me every morning.

(DANG----I just said, here.  Here at work.  I'm going to get found out one day that I'm writing a blog post, and then, well... I already gave my 3-year notice the other day.  Perhaps they'll let me finish out my time)

 First...the Read-Aloud Handbook.  Seventh edition.  I have editions 2-6 already.  I read every word of every one.
Edition 1 is out of print or I would buy that one too.
I just like to keep up on what is happening in the area of children's lit and reading. 
I like to be at a party and spout stuff like this:

As you read to a child, you’re pouring into the child’s ears (and brain) all the sounds, syllables, endings, and blendings that will make up the words she will someday be asked to read and understand. And through stories you are filling in the background knowledge necessary to understand things that aren't in her neighborhood—like war or whales or locomotives.
(from Jim Trelease and his Read-Aloud Handbook)

because I'm a big dork.

But still....
...I love to read and I want my grandchildren to love to read too.
It's really, really important to me.
(sad sometimes when I take them to Barnes and Noble and all they want are the Legos. I know, I know...that's why an Indy book store is the BEST!)
I want every child  to love to read.

The 2nd book is this one:

Read for the Heart, by Sarah Clarkson. I just got it in the mail, so I really haven't had time to read the whole thing.  I've just skimmed it.  I do think it has really good reading lists, but it's from a very conservative perspective.
There is nothing wrong with that of course, I'm just sayin'.... lots of classics and older books.  I do love them too tho.

And then #3.

Book Lust by Nancy Pearl.  
A real bookworm, a bibliophile!
Book Lust is about books for adults!

While I have also just started this one,  I love her quirky structure in the book.
There are not  just lists of good books to read, but chapters with---well QUIRKY lists.   Very original and unpredictable. 
Chapter one is  "Call Me Alice" and after a short little essay  she lists many books that she has loved  with authors named Alice.
I love it!

Some of her other chapters are titled:
Bird Brains
Lost Weekends
Shrinks and Shrinkies
Zero: This will Mean Nothing to you

 I can't wait to see what books she has listed under those themes.

And so, there you have it.  
I like to read books about lists of books to read.

Have a good evening and remember--tomorrow is national  chocolate chip day!
Books and cookies go together!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I have a feeling your grandkids will be readers. I love to give books to kids - somehow owning that book makes them more eager to read it. I gave a young neighbor a book a few weeks ago. A few days later he told me he stayed up until 11 to finish the book because he "really got into it." You can just imagine how proud that made me.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...