Saturday, May 17, 2014

Saturday Snapshot

Just a quick Saturday Snapshot today...

My Twin Grandchildren celebrated their 5th birthday a couple of weeks ago.  They are very excited to be 5 now!   They each got a cake.   When Emerson bent to blow out her candles---her hair caught on fire.
Luckily just some singeing and smelliness, but not burns, etc.  Her parents acted quickly...and the photo was just because one always takes pictures of blowing out birthday candles, right?

But here's the thing...  while her head was being "put out"  her brother, Eli leaned over and blew out her candles.  

That was the icing on the cake!!!  
Your brother should just not steal your glory like that.

Saturday Snaptshot is hosted by  Melinda at West Metro Mommy Reads.


westmetromommy said...

Ack! Glad to hear that your granddaughter wasn't hurt....but isn't that just like a brother to sneak over and blow the candles out?

Sandra Nachlinger said...

I have two brothers, and that's just the sort of thing they would do! So glad this story had a happy ending with no one hurt. LOVE your photo and the story behind it!
My Saturday Snapshot post is here:

Shari Green said...

Haha! Oh dear. A bit too much drama to go with the festivities! Glad she's okay. :)

Susan Lindquist said...

OMG! He was JUST trying to be helpful ... and the story will, no doubt, go down in family history! LOL! Phew! Glad little sweetie is fine and licking the icing and not some wounds!

Arti said...

What a memorable moment. Glad you've captured that in photo. I'm sure they would love to see that picture later as teenagers or as adults. ;)

bermudaonion said...

I'm sure that will become a terrific family story!!

Karen said...

OMG! Haha... so glad she didn't get burned. Can't believe they're 5!

Louise said...

Oh my, I'm so glad she was ok. The smell of burnt hair is terrible though. It will become a great family story.

The end

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