Friday, February 5, 2016

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted each week by
This week's question is:
Does your significant other share your reading passion?
My answer is:
Hmmm.  I think the key word is 'passion'.  He reads, but he does not share my passion for it.  He would say he wasn't a 'nerd', but I think perhaps he is.
About 18 months ago, he/we ended up with my dad's Kindle, which has about 55 books on it.  Rich/Handyman started reading them---but not choosing  which ones he would like first, but rather he began  reading them all in a row!  He just started with one and is making his way down the list. 
THAT IS NERDY and not passionate, wouldn't you say?
(hey he called me weird the other day)
Once in a while he will come upon a book that he's already read and he just passes it and goes to the next one in line.  It's a good thing he and my dad had similar reading tastes.
Another example of reading passion---
when we go on a vacation, he takes 1 book. One.   I take the one I'm reading, the one I want to read next and then a spare, just in case I don't like the next one, or am not in that mood at the moment.  Then I also take a non-fiction and a cookbook or two to glance thru.
(This of course is if we are taking a road trip---Nevada is long and wide and we often spend hours in the car and I am lucky enough to be able to read in a car.)
So, yes, he does like to read, but no, he doesn't share my PASSION for it.


bermudaonion said...

Carl rarely reads but both my mom and sister are readers and my dad was a reader too. I pass my books on to my mom and, after she reads them, we talk about them. It's always fun to hear what she thinks.

Kay said...

My husband does read, but our author tastes don't overlap much - only a little. We each have our own Kindle and he reads on his phone a lot as well. He doesn't read as many books as I do, but he goes through spurts where he certainly reads a lot.

Elizabeth said...

LOL on your Kindle story.

I love it....yes...that is Nerdy but wonderful.

Happy Reading, and Happy Hopping!!

Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer

Katherine P said...

My husband reads as well but where reading is my primary hobby it's only one of many for him. I'm impressed that he can read down the line like that. Reading down a list regardless of mood would put me in a guaranteed slump after awhile!

Maria Behar said...

I would say your husband comes pretty close to being a nerd, but obviously you are really the OBSESSED one here! Lol.

I'm just like you; when we go on vacation, I can't just take ONE book. Well, actually, it depends on how long the vacation is going to be. If it's only a weekend, then I do take only one book.

My hubs doesn't read at all, so you're very lucky that yours reads as much as he does!

Happy Friday, and a GREAT weekend!! : )

Here's my BBH post link:

Billy Burgess said...

Great Answer! I'm a single bookworm, but if I ever get married, hopefully she'll have the same passion for books that I do.

Literary Feline said...

That's exactly it for my husband and I too. He enjoys reading, but not nearly to the degree I do. I'm just glad he accepts my quirks and madness for books. :-)

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...