Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday Post #8: my latest obsession, Sunday Soup and....

This is my Sunday Post #8
The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Yay Sunday! Awesome day!
Until  4pm when you realize you have to go to work tomorrow.
But this afternoon---I'm going to READ!
Ok, let's get started.  I should just tell you what was on the blog this week first, so you can  not have to muddle thru all my ...stuff.
I said,  I SHOULD, but I didn't say I would.  (gotcha)
My latest obsession has been  I've collected things for years and now it's fun to catalog and enter and get 'hints' to other branches of the family tree.  I've been doing it all week long!
That and I finished a couple of books.
I've had a plastic Rubbermaid tub in the closet where I've been tossing things I've thought important for the Family Tree Project, for years, but  look what I came across this week while perusing thru it again!
This is too much fun to pass up.
Let's see what happened  39 years ago today.
Apparently Kathie 'likes' Len Hirschman.  (I wonder whatever happened to Len?  He used to work with the Handyman)
And then, on Saturday,  we went driving around with weird guys.
Then on Jan. 30th, I had to have a SERIOUS talk with my boyfriend Kenny.
What WILL happen??  (insert dramatic music here)
On Tuesday Gerald breaks up with Kim and then on Wednesday Kenny breaks up with me???
What's up with that?
(although I don't seem to upset about it--I said I'll live and I did)
EXCEPT!  I think he broke up over the phone--loser!!
I have our relationship date noted there:  July 30th to Feb 9th.
Ahhhhh.... six months of teenage bliss.
There's lot of  'church' in this diary-- we all went to youth group together.
(hung out in the alley and smoked cigarettes afterwards...shhhh, don't tell.  It was my rebellious 1977, church kid, daughter of a policeman WILD PHASE!)
At least I got a quick date for the Valentine's dinner at church!!
But then.... OMG,  Kenny's going out with Dedra.  Or is he?

This is all hysterical to  me!!
Let me just give kudos to Clint Eastwood though. 
He either makes it or breaks it for me.
I went to the same movie about 3-4 months guy broke up with me (movie Dec 26th, 1976), one I married (movie on Good Friday, March?
 April? 1977).
Yay Dirty Harry!  Destiny took it's course!

Enough of that.
What happened on the blog this past week?
It was a crazy week and I didn't get to participate in BBAW as much as I would have liked, but I  just want you to know... I LOVE THE BOOK BLOGGING WORLD!   I don't consider myself a true book blogger, I just hang out with the cool kids!!  Which would be you book blogger.  I find you all witty and smart and well-read and most of all--you love books!  And sometimes food!  I love food.  And sometimes you just talk about weird, crazy stuff, and I love that too.
Enough about you tho...
It's Sunday and that means SOUP!  (usually)
Yesterday I made this soup:  SPICY CHICKEN AND RICE FLU CHASER SOUP!
From this cookbook again:
It's a really nice soup cookbook. I love it, but if you are going for healthy, MOST of them are cream based.  This one is not.
Spicy Chicken and Rice Flu Chaser Soup
20 whole cloves of garlic, peeled
1 1/2 cups olive oil
1 whole chicken, about  5lbs
1 large Spanish onion, peeled and diced
6 carrots, peeled and diced
3 ribs celery, diced
12 cups of chicken stock, plus more if needed
3/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 T lemon zest
2 tsp dried mint leaves
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
2 bay leaves
2 T chopped fresh basil
3 cups cooked white or jasmine rice
kosher salt to taste
Preheat the oven to 375 F.  Place the garlic cloves in a small, ovenproof casserole.  Pour the olive oil over the garlic*
*let me just say---you DO NOT need that much olive oil to roast some garlic. I boiled mine in 1 cup only and still way too much.  I think you can figure out how to roast some garlic cloves, right?
and bake for 45-50 minutes, until the garlic is soft, brown and caramelized. Strain the oil to use in other recipes.  Mash the cloves and set aside.
In a stockpot place the chicken, onion, carrots, and celery.  Pour the chicken stock over the chicken and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.  Add the roasted garlic, lemon juice, zest, mint, cinnamon, cayenne pepper and bay leaves.  Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 2 1/2 hours or until the chicken is very tender.
Remove the chicken carefully and place on a plate to cool.
Remove the soup from the heat.  If it looks to thick add chicken stock.
When the chicken is cool enough to handle, remove the skin and bone and add the meat back to the soup. Bring to a boil over med-high heat. Taste, add more lemon if you'd like.  Add the basin, rice and salt.
Stir and serve.
I did not have fresh basil so I used dried and I did not have dried mint, so I used fresh.
I know the author of this cookbook say she goes thru gallons of it every winter when people have the flu.
We did not have the flu.
We liked the tad bit of spice, but not so much the cinnamon.  Still it was very good and the chicken was oh-so-tender.   If I make it again, I would reduce the cinnamon. But that's just for us.
Then I made an oatmeal pie!
A Very old-fashioned oatmeal pie that I found in an Amish Cookbook.
It's good.  It's like a big oatmeal cookie on top of a pecan pie filling.
Kind of.
I have a funky octagon shaped pie plate that I like to use, but  then the pieces are kind of misshapen.

And then, because yesterday was National Cherry Pie day (I was reminded by my friend Care at Care's Books and Pie), I put a cherry sauce on top and the cherry sauce was really good on top. (It would have been good on the bottom too, but I put it on the top.  Oh.. already  said that.  2x! )

I am not giving you the recipe for the oatmeal pie...another time perhaps...but I am going to link up with Weekend Cooking!
Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts!
I found a new Foodie podcast on her site this week, so I'm excited!
Stop by to check things out over there.

A word of warning as I leave you..
Do not  go driving around with weird guys.
We are not 17 anymore.


bermudaonion said...

Oh my gosh, you were so busy in 1977 and still managed to keep pretty good notes. I bet reading that was a hoot!

Kailana said...

That is a lot of fun! I have old diaries somewhere... One day I will dig them out and revisit younger me. :)

Literary Feline said...

I try not to think about going to work tomorrow for as long as I can. Even my daughter is not happy she has to go to school tomorrow. I think we'd all rather the weekend was a bit longer. It's been a long while since I last worked on our family tree. I should probably update it--there have been some deaths since I last did. How cool that you found an old diary! I still have a couple of my childhood diaries. Thank you for sharing some of your diary pages with us. It's so much fun to look back. I hope you have a great week!

Laurie C said...

I always wish I had kept just notes like you did in your diary. I always thought I had to write a lot, so I only wrote rarely! Love the sound of that chicken soup recipe with the extra spices, too!

Kay said...

I love your diary story. I've never been good at keeping one, but it would be fun to see what was going on in my teen years had I recorded those things. The soup looks good. The pie looks good. And I think you are a book blogger, as much as any of us are. You're also a food blogger and a 'interesting stuff' blogger...we're all part of this big blog-ish group. Have a good week! :-)

Karen said...

Love you diary! And how nice that you have a record of when you met Rich! My daughter has an oatmeal pie that she swears by... I haven't made it yet, though.

Stefanie said...

What an interesting soup you made. It does look spicy. The pie is something I've never seen before. I so want a pretty pie dish to use. Your old diary is hilarious. I still have my old diaries from middle school and I guess high school. I read them through once and I laughed and laughed. Oh what tween and teenage angst!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...