Tuesday, February 2, 2016

First Chapter First Paragraph

Today is Tuesday--- which means I'll be joining up with Diane at Bibliophile By the Sea and her First Chapter, First Paragraph
Tuesday Intros, 
Where,  bloggers post the first paragraph of a book they are thinking of reading --- and get everyone's opinion to see if it grabbed them from the beginning or not.
Click here to join the fun!

The first time I died was the summer I turned seventeen. I remember the air being so hot you could smell the pluff mud baking in the sun, the scent sulfur-sweet and strong enough to curl your toes, the tall stems of sweetgrass listless, their tips bowed in submission.  Blood sat like melted copper in my open mouth as I rose above my broken body, splayed like a rag doll beside the dirt road.  Let me go, I thought as I hovered, weightless.  But  I felt the pull of a gossamer thread of conscience and retribution that tethered me to this earth.  Before I heard the screams of the sirens and my mother's wailing, I knew I wouldn't stay dead for long.


I think I will keep reading it!

The other night when I had finished a book, this one was in the  pile of 4 from me to choose from! 
I posted this pic that night:
(I wanted help choosing)

I always ask the Handyman for some help choosing a new book to read because it's sometimes hard to me to pick--there are so many I want to read!  But, as usual, the Handyman walks by and taps the first one in line.
(Along the Infinite Sea was first in line, )
but I even asked him if I could read the first paragraph to help him better help me!
Hey--it works for this meme, right?

He said no thank you.
And just looks at me and shakes his head!  
And said....AND SAID that.... said that, "I was weird".

Can this  marriage be saved???


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I love this author, and somehow I have missed this one. Taking care of that right now! Thanks for visiting my blog.

Kay said...

That's quite the first paragraph! I'm pretty sure that I have this book or have had it at some point. Have I read it? No, of course not. I have lots of books that sit unread. LOL

P.S. My husband would probably say that I was weird if I wanted to do that with him too. ;-)

Emma Litttlefield said...

Love the opening so yes, would keep reading! Enjoy.

JoAnn said...

LOL, I love this post... and yes, that's quite an opening paragraph. I've been meaning to read this author.

Katherine P said...

LOL! Love the opening and White is an author I've been wanting to read. Keep going! I want to see what you think of it.
I think your marriage is going to be okay or at least I hope so because if your marriage is doomed mine would be too! I think my husband would have the exact same reaction.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Certainly makes me want to know more. Hope u like this one.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...