Monday, February 22, 2016

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile!

This past week, it's like I discovered GOLD, as in book podcasts and I am addicted to Book Riot's podcasts, so I've been busy listening to back episodes and then writing down all kinds of new books that I want to read.
I must have been hiding my head in the sand to never have listened to these podcasts before!  
They are amazing!

Just what I need tho--more books on my TBR list! They just sound so good!

While I know that my reading includes a wide range of genres, I don't read these two genre's much:
Fantasy  and/or Sci-Fi
Historical Romance
I feel I should now as there were a couple of podcast episodes where they praise them.
Do you have any good recommendations for these genres?
Yes, I'm talking to YOU!

Also, I am now intrigued by sub-genres. (because they talk about them in the podcasts also)
Like  Regency vs Victorian vs Gothic in Historical Romance.

It's because I'm a nerd---but I want to do a book club study and read the three different types and then talk about them.  Not that I have enough time to do another book club, nor would anyone I know here (in my real life) want to join me.  But I can dream, can't I?

So...back to the subject at hand! What have I been reading?


Last week I finished:

And this week I'm going to read:
(I've already started a couple of them, and I think they'll be some great reads!)

Happy Reading Week!


Katherine P said...

I love the BookRiot podcasts! I listen to one about new releases every Tuesday and it's deadly to my TBR! I have a vague memory of reading Dicey's Song. I remember liking it but nothing else so it's one I should revisit.

Care said...

The Nightingale is supposed to be SO good. :)

Lindsey said...

I loved the Cynthia Voigt books as a kid. Is it your first time reading them?

Literary Feline said...

I have yet to get into podcasts. Remembering to listen to my audiobooks is enough of a challenge for me. LOL

Into the Darkest Corner is so good! That one had me checking the locks on my doors frequently longer after I finished the book.

I like your idea of sampling and then comparing the different types of historical romance. It'd be interested to hear what your findings are if you do decide to give it a try.

Enjoy your books!

Stefanie said...

Dicey's Song is awesome! It pulls at your heart strings and really shows a different side to life for a child.

Kailana said...

I really like podcasts, but I am horrible at keeping them up!

bermudaonion said...

Carl listens to car and technology podcasts but I'm trying to be strong and stay away from them since I can hardly keep up with what I do now. I don't have any recommendations for those genres.

Jo said...

Nice books, and I hope you enjoy your podcasts!!

Elizabeth said...

I loved The Time Between.

ENJOY the rest of this reading week.

Silver's Reviews
My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

The end

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