My Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown #158!
Barb's Cousin Doss Sauce
and you know all the whys and wherefores of this countdown, right? Homemade cookbook, friends contributed, Handyman said I couldn't/wouldn't do it, I'll show him, yadda yadda yadda....
...and the rest is cookbook history!
It's funny how we can take the same ingredients and put them all together and when combined by separate people, they all taste so different.
I mean spaghetti sauce, really? You got some tomato sauce, some oregano, some garlic---pretty basic, right? Yet there are always a few that stand out... this is one of them!
Now for my Barb story.
(I've lost track of how many times she's submitted a recipe)
First, let me talk about love and relationships. You know how it is in a happy marriage, right? How you shudder to think no one else could possible know you like your spouse? And to have to date again to find a partner? YIKES! I mean who would know what I mean when I say "no nosing", except the Handyman? Who would know what the hell me and my kids are talking about when we call each other Irene? (okay, EVERYBODY in my family calls me Irene--and it is not my name!! I have been known to spill food on my chest--it just falls off my fork! My Grandma Irene did the same thing, BUT my kids never knew her, but they've knows to call anyone who spills on their chests, Irene. It's a weird family thing )
Having to invite a new person into your lives with all your past, would be very difficult I think.
We have our own little oddities and eccentricities.
And they would just not 'get you' the way your spouse, kids, and old friends do. (sigh)
It's kind of like that in this friendship.
Not that I don't love new friends...I do.
It's just that this story is between old friends and it is going to seem--so odd.
But we all will 'get it'.
I'm not so sure you will.
Just go with it.
As you know our friends Barb and Doug are mega-game players. A bit competitive and a bit zealous in their games.
Below is a photo of Doug and I who were losers in the game of Outburst and one of the Handyman and Barb who were winners! (she obviously loves her country too)

Many years ago--1993 thru 1997 the Browns and The Stones had our own Fantasy Football league.
We called it the BDDRML league.
It stood for
Mike (their son)
Luke (our oldest son)
And we named ourselves.
I was the Demons
Doug the Divots
Barb, the Bullfrongs
Rich the Rottons
Mike the Mongloids
Lucas the Looneys
In 1995, their daughter Kim and our youngest son Mark joined the league.
(our middle son--no way. He was going thru his middle child phase and thought it was stupid)
So Kim's Krushers
and Mark's Mutilators were added.
What we had to do, was to predict the winners of each week, for each game. So for week one, those Demons (me) got 7 games right, 8 wrong.
It was a fun little betting game--no prizes or anything for winning--just the glory.
We were a couple years in where the story gets kind of weird.....
One day in the mailbox was a 'newsletter' which Doug had sent (which I have saved these many years--and now I know why) One envelope to each of us out of the blue.
And then a letter that no one understood....
He started calling himself "Bookie Brown" and a mysterious, invisible commissioner arrived on the scene.
But the strangest thing of all... when The Handyman (aka Rich) received this ransom like note in the mail from Barb and Doug's son Mike.
(I have kept it all these years in case we need it for evidence!)
The Handyman just laughed and laughed when he opened this. I, on the other hand, was a bit concerned.
I'm stopping this little story here, but this is not the end...
oh goes on.
Just wait.
Read the newsletter carefully---
I'll be back to explain... (in another recipe post because Barb has tons!)
This is a weird old friendship.
We probably need a secret handshake or something.
And this is
Cousin Doss Sauce
recipe #158
only 136 left to go!