Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cookbook Sunday--Stuffed mushrooms

It's Cookbook Sunday--and Superbowl Sunday--it's gonna be a great day--friends and food!

I've never made stuffed mushrooms before--can you believe it?    There are so many ways to stuff a mushroom, everybody has a favorite.  And there really is no wrong way, or wrong stuffing, I found that out in this cookbook, as there was a multitude of stuffed mushroom recipes to try.

I didn't make these for today--Superbowl Sunday--I made them for a wine tasting party we went to last weekend.  It's kind of ironic then that the cookbook I chose is #2 in series produced by MADD  (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), because as we ate these, both the Handyman and I were drinking wine.  Luckily for us, we only live 2 blocks from where the party was being held AND we are both very responsible and usually one of us is the designated driver if the other one is going to partake. 

It made me smile tho, to see this advice in the front of this little cookbook called "Quick and Easy Appetizers"  (which is cookbook #39, in my own personal countdown).

It's sound advice, and some we should all take to heart.  All the time.  Especially today, since there will be an abundance of partying this afternoon.

I chose to make the simplest, but I think one of the best, mushroom stuffings in the book:  Stovetop stuffing.
YES---Stovetop Stuffing!  The box you can buy on your grocers shelves.  I made the stuffing--a bit moister than it calls for, added some pork sausage and stuffed my mushrooms.
That was it.  And there were gobbled up in a flash.  I even made some extra for just the Handyman and I the next afternoon.    I love the cheese stuffings  that most mushrooms I've eaten have, but these were just really good.  And really easy.  And a bit different.  I would definitely make them again.

This cookbook was one I confiscated from my mother's  yard sale box.    It was published in 1993 from Dial Publishers.  It's the Food Writers Favorites for MADD and it's the 2nd in the series. 

Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms
20 large mushrooms
1 box of Stovetop stuffing
1/2 lb.  mild pork sausage
grated Parmesan cheese

Rub mushrooms clean with a damp cloth.  Remove stems.  Fry sausage until crispy, make the stovetop stuffing according to directions on the back of the box, in the sausage pan (leaving sausage in the pan).  Stuff the mushrooms, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.
Bake in a 350F oven for 20-30 minutes, until hot.

Okay, now go check out who else participated in Cookbook Sundays! 
And you too, can add recipe you've made recently from one of the cookbooks on your shelf.

By the way....what do you stuff your mushrooms with?


bermudaonion said...

Your mushrooms are gorgeous - somehow I don't think my would look that good.

Karen said...

I love stuffed mushrooms and you just can't get any easier than this. I stuff mine with the stems of the mushrooms, garlic, pepper, cheese and breadcrumbs.

Anonymous said...

Stove Top stuffing - I love it!! It doesn't get much easier than that, does it? These look great Debbie and they would have been scarfed right down at our house. Thanks for linking up today and have fun at your Super Bowl party! (I finally asked Joe who was playing, lol).

Miz Helen said...

Your Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms look so good, I would really enjoy serving these for a party. Thank you so much for sharing!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

Love stuffed mushrooms, and this combination of flavors is great. thanks.

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Count me in as one who also indulges in Stovetop stuffing sometimes - it's got lots of good flavor. Your mushrooms look great!

druidaccountforsale said...

Stuffings are very easy and versatile dish I've ever made. Your mushrooms really looks delish. Meatylicious.

Couscous & Consciousness said...

Funny thing - I've never stuffed mushrooms either. Years ago (like about 30 years, give or take), I read one of those "home organisation" books and one of the chapters was headed "Life is too short to stuff mushrooms". This was of course an analogy for fretting over a lot of the unnecessary detail that we sometimes clutter our lives up with, but something about it stuck with me and I've never been able to bring myself to stuff a mushroom. Ridiculous, I know :-)

These little mushrooms look fantastic though and I really love the idea of the sausage in the stuffing.


The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...