Saturday, February 12, 2011

Snapshot Saturday

Every Friday night, if we are not busy and our friends, The Miltons, are not busy, we have dinner together.  We've done this for years. 
Last night Robbie (Milton) brought the this cool blue bottle.  And I drug out my cool record player--circa 1973--from the garage, as well as my 45's from the  70's, the Handyman his LP's from the 60's, and we had a grand time.

We even had a stray 8-track to  try out.
But back to the records--it was great, all the scratching and popping and hissing  of the old records.  We accidentally put on an LP on 45 speed and got a big laugh out of that.  Or maybe we got a laugh out of the wine!

John (Milton) had just purchased Time-Life's Woodstock Collection on CD and he let me borrow them.
So, as I sit here writing a short post for Snapshot Saturday,  I am downloading them onto my computer, so I can upload them to my Mp3 player later.
Ha ha--times have changed.

Alyce at  "At Home With Books" hosts  Snapshot Saturday.
Stop by and check out everyone's snapshots.


bermudaonion said...

Did the bottle look straight when you were through drinking the wine? It sounds like a fun evening!

Shawn said...

Love the wine did the wine taste? Sounds like a great time.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, I love the look of bottles...they are beautiful.

And! I'm feeling nostalgic now.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Alyce said...

It sounds like a fantastic evening! I haven't listened to a record in years! My parents had an 8 track player in their VW and we used to listen to them all the time.

~~louise~~ said...

Oh what fun, Debbie!!! Love the bottle...

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

How wonderful to have such traditions and routines that soothe the soul :)

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

I love fun wine bottles. I have one that looks like a fish!

Trish said...

Sounds like a fun evening. Odd shaped bottles like that are pretty cool, and I love the cobalt blue color too.

Karen said...

Great picture with the record player and albums in the background! Now you better call your folks and tell them you'll take their records ;)

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...