Monday, February 7, 2011

I'ts Monday!

It's Monday, What are you reading"
This weekly recap is hosted by Shelia of One Persons Journey Through a World of Books.

Each week we recap what we’ve read and look at what’s coming up this week. If you’re interested head over to Shelia’s site and get involved

 I am right in the middle of Margaret Maron's "Christmas Mourning", a Deborah Knott mystery. I'm reading it on my Kindle. (which by the way, I just got a lovely red paten leather cover for. very trendy!)

I LOVE Maron's Deborah Knott mystery series. I think they are my favorite books of all time.

One has to have a favorite, right? It's not great literature, but it's a great read. For me.

I'm also reading (or listening to, on my Mp3 player), The Tower, The Zoo and The Tortoise by Julia Stuart.   (the book can be purchased by two different names....I'm not sure why)

I just finished up "Dead to the World" a Sookie Stackhouse novel by Charlaine Harris, and "Sizzling Sixteen" A Stephanie Plum novel by Janet Evonovich.

The last 7 books I've read have been series mysteries with recurring characters. I love them as  much as I love old friends.    Sometimes it's not so much the story, but the character development and the setting for me. I love the settings of series mysteries. I love getting to know the towns and feeling familiar with the places I read about.

I should have really joined in Sheila's "Where are you Reading" Challenge, because I've already been to Maryland, Texas, Maine, Oklahoma, Illinois, New Jersey, Louisiana and North Carolina this year. (I wonder if it's too late?)

I've loved catching up with these familiar and comfortable characters and places this winter.
Next week tho, I'm moving on and will start "Cannery Row" by John Steinbeck for my Lit Wits book club and then "The Hand That First Held Mine" by Maggie O'Farrell for my Totally Lit book club.


Monday Musings  
Hosted by MizB at  Should be Reading

This week’s musing asks…

How do you react to the “book police”? (people who judge what you are reading, and try to make you feel guilty) Do you respond to their judgments? Or, do you keep quiet? Do you let what they say influence your reading, or do you do your own thing, regardless?

There are certain things I am not confidante about---but what books I read is not one of those things, because I read everything. Everything. From Willa Cather to Wilma Flintstone--if Wilma Flintstone wrote a book,that is. I can hold my own (usually) in any book setting, discussion, class. And at the same time, I am not a reading snob. I do love a good paranormal book once in a while. Take for instance the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I love them. I put them in the class of recurring mysteries, but really, they are about vampires and shape shifters and werewolves. And I love Harry Dresden, the wizard private investigator in Chicago! And also Harry Potter.

This genre is not my top genre of choice, but there are times when they are fun for I read them. Why would we be reading ANY book if it wasn't for the fun of it? It frustrates me that people would judge a book by its cover, or a reader by what they are reading.

I think I would probably just say, a bit sarcastically, "and became my literature instructor, when?"     I would have no problem saying that.
 If they judged my hair, I would probably go home and cry, but my books-- I can stick up for myself.

I think.


bermudaonion said...

Christmas Mourning was my first experience with Maron's work, but it won't be my last.

I don't think I'm a book snob either.

Joy Weese Moll said...

Sounds like some fun mysteries!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

The Margaret Maron book sounds good - I have never read her.

And no, its not to late to join the challenge - isnt it fun to see where you have been reading? I am surprised on all the pegs I already have on my map!

caite said...

I think people should read whatever types of books that they like...I just wish more people would read something!

and I have to agree that Maron is always a fun read..and sometimes that is what we are looking for.

teresa said...

i have seen the sizzling sixteen book on the discount rack (the first rack i run to!) for weeks now. i think next time i get it i will snag it. love the book reviews, i'm crazy about reading!

Michelle B said...

Debbie-I have a Stylish Blogger Award for you on my blog.

I've been lazy about commenting, but I'm still reading!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...