Monday, February 28, 2011

It's Monday and some musing

This week’s musing, hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading asks…

Which do you prefer: Adult -or- Young Adult books? Or, both? Why?

I prefer to read Adult Novels  (altho I've never thought of them in that term before), but I love Young-Adult books too.  I think lots of people miss out on really good books, good writing, good stories because they think of  YA as being for teenagers.   I don't think that's true.  Subject matter, themes, plot,  character development,  social issues in YA adult books are as engaging and intense and interesting as in "Adult" novels.  
Again...that would  "adult"  concerns me.  Good literature is good literature...I think a person  should read what interests them and not worry about labels.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Last week, I  finished  "The Hand That First Held Mine" by Maggie O'Farrell.
We read this one for one of my book clubs.  While I enjoyed it, I didn't love it.  I've noticed tho, that books we don't LOVE are the best books for our book club discussion.  We all enjoyed the book on some level, as well as we each had issues with the book on other levels.
O'Farrel's writing style was different than what some of us were used to.
If you remember, I read Cannery Row the week before last, for my other book club.   O'Farrel's writing style reminded me a bit of John Steinbeck's in Cannery Row.
I guess that's a compliment!
I liked the book and it was a quick and easy read for me.  I would recommend it to YOU.

I also finished   "Sugar House" by  Laura Lippman.  I love Lippman's Tess Monaghan.    She's one of my BFF's--in book land, that is.  I just love sitting down with a Tess Monaghan book and a hot cup of coffee in the morning  (along with a few homemade biscotti--perfect!)
I will be posting more about this book in a day or two. 

Up for this week?
Room by Emma Donoghue.
I'm 3% into it  (thanks Kindle), I can't wait to finish it.

And that is what I'm reading lately.


bermudaonion said...

I like adult and YA books too. Room gets better the farther into it you get.

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

I'd have to say adult, though I just love to read. Or.. I used to. Can't seem to find the time anymore between recipe writing and blogging. How do you do it? And so many blogs on top of it all too!

caite said...

I am not a fan of much that it called YA fiction these I whine about in my MM post.

Now, I must agree with you about Tess...always an enjoyable read.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...