Saturday, June 4, 2011

Snapshot Saturday

At our last meeting for the Literary Guild,  where we meet once a month for a book talk and lunch,  my friend Kathy was in charge of table decorations.
This was her centerpiece at the main table.

Picture this:  the Literary Guild is the oldest club in our county.  We are the youngest members, my friends and I. We are 50ish.  I wore jeans last time.  But with a blazer and a scarf.  I still felt as if I should have worn my hat and gloves...and skirt.  (not that I own a hat and gloves....but the older ladies do)

It's a great monthly luncheon. 
I am going to link this to Snapshot Saturday, hosted by  Alyce from At Home With Books.  It's a fun Saturday link-up.  You should check it out.


Alyce said...

I love it! That is a perfect centerpiece for a literary club!

Anonymous said...

What a great centerpiece! Very creative and most appropriate for a literary lunch. I'm glad you told us that you don't own the gloves and hat because I was about to ask "do you own gloves and a hat?". LOL

Marie said...

Awesome photo! I love it. I'd love to attend a lunch where the host/hostess had such a wonderful centrepiece.

Anonymous said...

How creative! We have a few of those old typewriters. One still has the case but the other one doesn't.
Here's My Photo

Literary Feline said...

It is perfect. I love it.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

That is just sooo clever. I can't think of anything else to say!

Trish said...

Ha, how cool is that!

Irene said...

Wonderfully creative.

Mary (Bookfan) said...

This just makes me smile

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Very cool! All I could think of was the movie Jagged Edge, when Glenn Close finds the typewriter in Jeff Bridges closet...yikes...

Carol said...

Fab centrepiece.

Happy Sunday to you


bermudaonion said...

How creative! I love it!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...