Friday, June 29, 2012

Audiobook Week Day #5

The Question today, the final day of Audiobook Week (hosted by Jen at Devourer of Books)  is: Where do you learn about great audiobook titles? Find reviews? Buy your audiobooks? Share your secrets with the rest of us!

I only learn about great audio books from those of you who review them.  Or pass that info on to me in a comment or facebook, etc.

Right now I am listening to  "A Land More Kind Than Home" which was recommended to me by Kathy at Bermudaonion.  I know how I feel when I recommend a book to someone--I get nervous.  (what if they don't like it?  what if it's not their kind of book?)
so I will tell you right now...even tho I am  only 1 hour into it  (It's an 8 hour listen) I LOVE THE NARRATION!!  And the story.
I couldn't imagine 'reading' the book after listening to these narrators.

Anyway, that is how I learn about great audiobooks.  From friends!  
And I am leaving Audiobook week, with a list of books I want to read/listen to in the next few months.  I will miss everyone's recommendations.  I'll have to pay closer attention to those bloggers who do a lot of audio reviews.
I buy from,our library doesn't have a  audio or e-book program yet.  They do have a nice small collection of  books on CD, but I use my Ipod.

Bye Audio friends!  (for now)


bermudaonion said...

Whew, I'm so glad you're enjoying it! The accents in that book are perfect!

JoAnn said...

Friends provide my best audiobook recommendations, too!

Jen (Devourer of Books) said...

Enjoy A LAND MORE KIND THAN HOME! It only continues to be amazing.

Tanya Patrice said...

I feel so fortunate my library system has audiobooks available - but bloggers are my go to sources for recommendations also.

Tina said...

I have a such a list of books to read as recommended by friends. I find new authors that I just love that way.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...