Monday, June 18, 2012

It's Monday

It's Monday, What are you Reading is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila of Book Journey.
It's fun to see what everyone is up to in their reading lives.
I like to add to my TBR list!

We made a quick trip to Reno for the weekend and had a great time catching up with family

I had a gift certificate for Barnes and Noble  (I shop all things books and  I try to do Independent book sellers most of the time, but I confess to  using B&N and Amazon at times) left over from was one I bought to give as a gift, but decided to use it on ME!
I had wanted to get:
The Night Circus
The Homecoming of Samuel Lake

Interestingly, they did not have these two books, instead I got:

The Shoemaker's Wife

The Fault in Our Stars

It's  SO EXCITING every time I get a new book!!
I put them on my TBR shelf and hope to get to them soon, but what am I reading THIS Monday?
I am trying to finish up:

It is the choice for the Library Book Club this month and we meet tomorrow night.  I am half way thru it.  Listening to it on audio, and am enjoying it.  I should be able to finish it up, it's a short book, less than  300 pages.

And this is embarrassing because I have to read this for bookclub, but  (sigh)  50 Shades of Grey.  I'm  halfway thru it.  It's not my cup of tea.  I can tell for most serious book bloggers, it's not their's either, as I have seen no posts about it.  
I read a quote this morning by Nora Ephron talking about the book, The Fountain Head, which I haven't read, but maybe will some day, and she said
it is better read when one is young enough to miss the point. Otherwise, one cannot help thinking it is a very silly book.”

THAT'S how I feel about  50 Shades.  It's a very silly book.  And I can only wonder how people are loving it.  And buying it.  And I just perpetuated it's popularity by purchasing it for bookclub.

Dang it.

Altho, I do have to say, that I plan on reading Tess of the  d'Urbervilles,  which is considered an important part of English Literature.  Because of  50 Shades, I am now intrigued with Tess.
And I have discovered  the music of  Thomas Tallis  (now on my Pandora line-up of stations, along with Led Zeppelin, George Jones, the Beatles, Red Hot Chili Peppers and James  Taylor), so I guess 50 Shades did serve a good deed in my life.
As for enriching my literary life tho....nah,  it's just a silly little book. 


bermudaonion said...

A trip is not complete without a little book shopping. I think you'll love The Shoemaker's Wife!

Shelleyrae @ Book'd out said...

50 Shades is not for me either
Wishing you a great reading week

Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

Lindsey said...

Congrats on your new books! I bought myself a few new ones w Christmas gift cards as well. I am still holding on to one from my birthday in April though! I think I have to make some more progress on my tbr shelf before I buy anything else. :)
Have a great week!

teresa said...

great list! i'll be sure to add them to my list. i haven't read 50 Shades, but knowing what it's about, i'm bummed that it's such a big seller. there is way too much amazing literature out there for 50 Shades to be so popular.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...