Friday, June 8, 2012

Friends and food

I live in Northern looks like this:

But every so often, hidden in them thar hills is a little stream with green trees and we go CRAZY.  We think we are in paradise.  (Actually Paradise is a little town about  38 miles north of here, but I digress).

Last night we went crazy with friends  up in Water Canyon --HEY, I said it had a stream, so it can use the term "water".... and it's in a little canyon just five miles from our house.  It's fun to have a cookout up there.
So, last night we had a  little cookout to meet our friend's, daughter's boyfriend  (man, that is a mouthful to say), who had never been west of the Mississippi.  We were trying to impress him with our --section of green.

We had fun, he's a nice young man, and they seem very happy together.  It was fun to get to know him a little him.  (hi Katie, Hi John!)

BUT.... her mom,  my  Tuesday  (coffee every Tuesday morning for the past 10 years, 6am.  SIX A.M.) friend, Debbie E. made some awesome FOOD!!

People getting their food... (if you look close between the trees, you can see the sagebrush covered hills)

Cowboy Beans.

Corn Casserole

and this great fruit and vegetable salad.  It had jalapenos,  cucumbers, cantaloupe, watermelon, onion, mango, jicama.  It was sooo good.

(I didn't feel the need to take a pic of the hotdogs) 
And then.... the best S'more ever.  It's hard to tell, but these were the most perfect toasted marshmallows ever.  I just used two  'EVER'S' in one paragraph. 
I hope you got the point----it was perfect!

As we sat around eating Smores and   Olive Oil Lemon cake  (which I forgot to get a picture of) Sally, was looking for birds.    We saw some Great Blue Heron's flying around.   And a great silhouette of some trees, as the sun was setting.
It was a fun evening.


Anonymous said...

how beautiful! it look like you all had a blast! thanks for sharing!

Trish said...

That all looks like so much fun! And so delicious . . .

bermudaonion said...

How fun! Is that a Duke hat he's wearing? That's all I need to see to know he's a nice young man! lol

Tina said...

Looks like quite a nice picnic you had. Good to get together with friends.

Michelle B said...

What a beautiful day filled with friends and food in a fantastic setting. I wish these kinds of outings were required!

You made me laugh with your soyrizo talk. Some people will eat anything, I'll tell ya! The only reason I tried it was b/c I had a serious chorizo hankering and the store was out. I spotted the soy version and went out on a limb. It's actually very flavorful and cooks up well!

Those marshmallows do look perfect :-)

Karen said...

Oh, that food looks wonderful! The salad sounds so good... think I'll try to replicate it. What kind of dressing did it have (if any?) We were going to take a picnic out to the Bear Paw Mts today, but it's raining :(

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...