Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Outdoor Wednesday

Outdoor Wednesday is hosted by
A Southern Daydreamer.

This summer, we took a day trip and stopped at Thunder Mountain Indian Monument.
Thunder Mountain is very unique.  Very Interesting.VERY  Strange.

I think the story goes like this:
A Native American had a vision and began to build.  He built from sticks and sagebrush and mud... whatever he could find in the desert around him.  He kept building and building and building -- it was a never ending project.  He passed away some time ago and it has fallen into disarray.
So now the State of Nevada is going to try and restore it.

Here is a little background on the "real" story, just click if you'd like to find out.
I read the words "hippie artisans" in the article while glancing thru it, so maybe he wasn't a Native American?  I guess legends are part truth, part made up or exaggerated stories.

I really can't find the words to describe it.
I think the 'Very' in VERY strange does a good job.
But it's also worth trying to restore -- it's unique little things like this you find on a road side that makes traveling fun!
If you come my way---you'll travel right by it.

There are parts that are fenced off, so vandals can't get close.
(I guess if you are a vandal, you do whatever you want tho)

 And then....there are certain things you can get close to.
Just a collection of --- old, odd stuff.


bermudaonion said...

Interesting - I'm wondering when he built that because parts of it don't look that old.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

There's a place in Houston that reminds me of that spot. It's called the Orange Show. A man spent his life collecting...what's a good word?...let's call it what it is...junk!

Here's my Wordless Wednesday!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...