Saturday, September 26, 2015

Saturday Snapshot and This and That

Besides cooking, reading, blogging and going for walks, I love to write letters-- real old-fashioned Snail Mail letters.
I sent my friend Jean a letter a while back and she told me that she was suspicious when she got it (she lives in town).. she said she thought, oh no, she wants something!  And then she proceeded to tell me what a gift it was to get a letter.
I cannot be humble here--it really is a gift.
I don't mean that everyone who gets a letter from me receives a gift, but I mean, when I get one from them!!
I do love to write them too.  I can't explain all the reasons why, it's just weird.
It's weird, but I love it.
Okay, not weird, but old-fashioned?
(the weird part is writing to people who live in the same town perhaps)
(and isn't)
My friend Gina, sent me this cool letter D cut out of a Reader's Digest condensed book, that she found it in a gift store.
But most of all I loved the letter she sent with it and  how she shared with me a bit about her love for reading.
We share that, as only true readers really can. It's kind of unspoken, our book understanding.
Her letter also spoke of her love for her mom...without her saying those exact words.
It's just  a feeling that comes thru when she talks about her mom's love of reading.
I've been meaning to tell her thank you.
It means so much to me.
And...isn't it the coolest D?
I'm sharing with Saturday Snapshot.
Trying to find a place for my D.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by


bermudaonion said...

The D is perfect for you! I got my love of reading from my mom too. I well remember sitting at the kitchen table reading to my mom while she cooked supper. I'd read to her and we'd always talk about the book - it was our special time and I looked forward to it. My mom, my sister, and I are all readers.

JoAnn said...

That "D" book is just so cool!!

westmetromommy said...

Oooh, I love that book art!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...