Cooking Club
We go back and forth on what to call ourselves--cooking club? Supper club?
We are just people who like to make food, eat and talk.
I am so far behind on Cooking Club updates!
And we have really spread out our get-togethers.
With jobs and traveling and retiring--we are just busy.
I'm not sure who I'm apologizing too, but still---I'm behind.
To bring you up to date, this is what we've done so far:
Cooking Club #1 -Meals your mom used to make
Cooking Club #2- Cajun Cooking
Cooking Club #3 - Let's all go to Hawaii
Cooking Club #4 - American Regional Cooking --Great Lakes Region, featuring: SUPPER CLUBS!
Cooking Club #5 - Famous Chefs (long post with other stuff mixed in, but just trust me)
Cooking Club #6 -Meatball Madness -- or something round (long post combined with Famous Chef's. Scroll thru some stuff to get there)
Cooking Club #7 - Breakfast for dinner
Cooking Club #8 - Slow Cooking
Cooking Club #9 - Mexican Street Food
Cooking Club #10- Your Christmas Cookie Heritage
Cooking Club #11 - Cooking from labels/back of box, can, or carton
Cooking Club #12 - It's all Greek to Me!
Cooking Club #13 -A Root Beer Tasting Holiday
And Now! -- Cooking Club #14 Thai Food
and still to come (because I'm so late in posting)
Cooking Club Pizza
Cooking Club PNW (Pacific Northwest)
Cooking Club Milkstreet Mania
Here are five of us (we are missing Gina, but we figure we have to catch whoever is in town when we can)
Debbie, Shelly, Me, Sally and April
We are the cookers! We all love to cook --except for Shelly.
(Shelly loves to socialize. And eat. Two very good qualities for a supper club--that's why we can't decide if it's cooking club or supper club!)
It was Debbie's turn to host and she really wanted to do Thai Food, because it's her favorite. I have to say it was all WONDERFUL, altho the fried bananas were certainly a new taste for our buds (nicely cooked tho April!)
I had the appetizers and because I couldn't find spring roll wrappers in my little town, I went with Thai pork lettuce wraps and Thai chicken wings for the win!
These are our guys enjoying the lettuce wraps and chicken wings!
They were very yummy!
And drinks!
Debbie found a Spicy Thai Lemongrass Ginger margarita.
It was the strongest thing I've ever had in my life. Maybe that's why the conversation while we ate dessert took a turn.... (read on to find out how)
Paul was the bartender and then everyone gathered 'round to get those spicy drinks.
They were very spicy and very strong!
Debbie sets a pretty table!
Sometimes I wish I lived in a big city, where I could be incognito, but then---I think
small town friends are the best!
We started with some soup by Sally.
A Thai chicken soup.
Then we had some curries by Debbie.
Beef Curry and Chicken Curry.
So Yummy!!
And Debbie had spicy chilies on the table to add more spicy spice to the curry if we wanted.
Shelly made a Thai noodle salad!
And April finished us off with some fried bananas and Thai Flan.
It was a very good meal.
A substantial meal!
We tend to eat big when we have cooking club.
This is Tom.
Naughty naughty Tom!
But he really wants to help do the dishes!
You know how, earlier I mentioned that the drinks were the strongest ever and how that might have led to some interesting discussion?
Notice the TP (that's short for toilet paper-😄) on the table? And people touching it?
Okay....full disclosure.... this might be too much information for you. Especially since we're not that familair with each other... but Cooking Club kind of brings out the familiar.
So now these friends, whom I love, well, we are way more familiar with each other now!

Why? You might be asking yourself. Why?
Well, I had just read a book about --I can't remember, BUT it had this part in it which mentioned that people don't eat at each other's homes anymore.
People, don't invite friends over as much, they tend to go out to eat. It went on to tell how eating at home around a table can lead to much more interesting conversation.
Such as--- are you a folder or a scruncher when it comes to toilet paper?
I know, I know! What a conversation!
This led to us all finding out things about each other and EVEN OUR OWN SPOUSES, that we did not know.
(you thought you knew your own husband? Think again!)
Conversation was fast and furious and funny and before you knew it, I had gone to get some TP out of Debbie E's bathroom and some were showing us the artful master of the scrunch vs the fold.
We were all surprised and well---kind of in shock that we took it this far!
Actually no, it was the funniest conversation ever.
We laughed our asses off--which is ironic since we were talking about asses.
(I'm such a comedian! LOL )
Maybe we should go into dinner party influcing?
Influencers are big right now.
Good times!
You know how you can tell that I'm behind in posting?
We were all glued to the television at certain times during the evening---watching the Olympics in January!
The food was good, the conversation at the table--beyond description--the company was great!
Cooking Club #14 was the best one ever!
Coming up next---Cooking Club Pizza!
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