Friday, June 19, 2015

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by 

Every Friday, she'll pose a question, submitted by a fellow book blogger.

(stop by her Blog to find out all the details)

This week's question is:

How many posts do you publisher per week? And how many of them are reviews? 

Since my blog is not specifically a 'book' blog  (although lately, it's been more books than anything),  I don't do reviews.
My good friend Kathy at BermudaOnion disagrees-- she says I do review them. (thanks Kathy)
But I am not reliable, so would never take an ARC etc etc.  Because then I'd have a DEADLINE.  And I just don't want to do that.

As far as how many I do a week?
Since I have no obligations, I get distracted.
I could do a meme every day of the week! 
(there are some fun ones out there and I like to make those connections)

I meant to do my work today, But a brown bird sang in the apple tree, And a butterfly flitted across the field, And all the leaves were calling me. 
I really have no schedule at all.
I hope that it's okay to be one  of THOSE people.
Because I really love to hang out with ya!
Talk books, and talk more books and talk more books!


bermudaonion said...

You do review books for sure! I love the way you wing it!

Elizabeth said...

I love memes too. :)

ENJOY your weekend.

Happy Hopping!!

Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer

Elsi said...

Weekly memes are a good way to start applying some "discipline", but I know exactly what you mean. Us free spirits just go with the flow. Though my blog has always been all about books and reading, I only recently started focusing on reviews. When I request an ARC, I look at the "due date" and plan that into my reading schedule. The *writing* of the review is still stressful. It doesn't come easily.

The whole point of a blog, though, is that it reflects the owner/author. After all they say, "Just be yourself, everyone else is taken."

Unknown said...

Debbie a blog is something enjoyable, so if this is how you enjoy blogging do what's best for YOU! I've gone a bit overboard as there's so many fantastic ARCs and blog tours at the moment and I'm literally flat out with review books that I'm having to wait till I can read the DYING to read books I've got :( So don't worry about being one of "those" people LOL

Have a great weekend!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...