Friday, June 12, 2015

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by 

Every Friday, she'll pose a question, submitted by a fellow book blogger.

(stop by her Blog to find out all the details)

This week's question is:
 Do you pre-schedule your posts?
My answer is:  That would require a teeny little thing called organization.
Don't get me wrong---I am organized in many areas of my life.  I guess procrastinator would be a better description.  (it has never let me down so far -- my procrastinating. That's why I can't break the cycle.  ~smiles~)
But -- this is just a hobby for me.
I love it!
I love to read all your book blogs and join in with comments and memes sometimes.
I love to add to my TBR list from what YOU recommend.
 (that's a lot of  pressure people.  I depend on you!)
I love going back to my book clubs and spouting all the knowledge I gain from book bloggers.
But I don't review books -- I just keep track of what I've read and tell if I like it or not-- so I never feel I have to be on a schedule to post.


bermudaonion said...

I disagree - you do review books. I schedule my posts the night before.

Katherine P said...

I try to schedule my posts ahead of time but frequently I'm just working on the day before! I have this dream of having at least a 2 week buffer but so far that hasn't happened!

Michelle said...

I schedule my posts either the night before or well in advance. I like not having to check into my website every single day but can focus on comments and visiting other's sites. The best was when I had an entire month scheduled at one point in time. I miss those days!

Bunnita said...

My goals is to have all my holiday reads done. The ultimate goals is to have posts done at least 3 months ahead of time for personal reads. 2 weeks ahead for blog tours. My Hop

Elizabeth said...

Your blog is wonderful.

I love how you spout off knowledge to your book clubs...that is good for all. Nice that you share.

ENJOY your weekend.

Happy Hopping!!

Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer said...

I wish I did preschedule but I don't!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...