Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fish cont

But Salmon doesn't really smell your house up.
Just cod and red snapper, etc.
why not salmon? or does it......????

from Traci:

from Shelly:
I like fish but that's why I only cook it on the bbq...

from Sadie:
haha,that's hilarious. Was Luke embarrassed?

ah.... Luke.
hmmm. NO not embarrassed. I doubted he even knew.

from Barb B:
The "Queen of Clean" says to put a small bowl of vinegar next to your stove, and it will absorb a lot of the odor. Especially fish.

from me/debbie:

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The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...