Monday, April 20, 2009

Banana Cookies

I am almost embarrassed to tell you how many over-ripe bananas I throw away. Sometimes I try to save them....I will freeze them in zip-loc bags, but even then my banana recipe repertoire is not very big.....
Banana bread
banana cake
banana cookies.
So, I tend to throw out a lot.

Well, I guess there is the popular Banana Split and bananas on my cereal....but this post is about Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies.

This is a fast to whip up cookie dough, very moist and soft, a cake-like cookie, which is my husband's favorite type of cookie.
The recipe was given to me by an original Friday Friend*, Susie.

Susie and I and our husbands lived in a duplex when we were first married, they on one side, us on the other, about 30 years ago. It was just like Lucy and Ricky, Ethel and Fred. Really, it was....
picture this if you will.... the two of us, Susie and myself, trying to rescue a mouse that had gotten in to her house. She wanted to set it free, I was helping her. Our husbands just looked on laughing. It's very hard to capture a mouse--alive. She had a soft heart then, and she still does to this day. I've become hardened over the years...give me a mousetrap any day. LOL
But we are still great friends, Godmothers to each other's children.
She always said she wasn't/isn't' a cook, but she has a few great cookie recipes that I still make!

Banana cookies

3/4 cups shortening
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 cups flour
1 3/4 cups quick-cooking oatmeal
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp soda
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
1 cup mashed bananas
1 6oz pkg chocolate chips

Cream shortening, sugar and egg. Add bananas, mix well.
Add dry ingredients and mix well. Stir in chocolate chips.
Bake at 350 degrees for 7-8 minutes.

enjoy with a glass of milk!

*Original Friday Friend? What? Who? huh?
I've moved often during my 31 year marriage, and collected good friends along the way. One day about 10 years ago, I sent an e-mail (this was before blogs...or before I knew about them anyway ) to all my close friends and female relatives, about 50 of them, and asked "what's for supper?"
Then when I cut and compiled and pasted and sent everybody's answer out to all of them. This was on a Friday.
From that, it because a forum, and even tho I am the only connecting link, they've become friends--albeit, Internet friends--over the years. We've had divorces, marriages, children born, children die, graduations, anniversaries, milestones, job losses, career moves, grand babies, sickness, happiness and lots and lots of eating/cooking and laughing.
So my blog....named in honor of our e-mail forum, the Friday Friends. I talk about them all the time... in my blogs. You might get to know them too.


Donna-FFW said...

I adore baking with bananas.. I have a similar recipe on my blog for banana bread cookies. Id like to try your version. They look great..

Moderate Sherri said...

I'm a lover of all things banana.
This cookies look scrumptious.

Debbie said...

I am always looking for new recipes for bananas. There are always bananas in my house and usually some overripe ones that I need to use. Thanks!

Lyndas recipe box said...

I haven't made banana cookies before, so I will try these,as I love anything banana! thanks for sharing this recipe!

Karen said...

When bananas get brown, DH puts them into the freezer. I get tired of looking at them so when he goes out of town I throw them out. LOL I'm not a big fan of banana bread or stuff like that. You must have tons of friends :) Since moving to MT last year (and not being out and working) I don't know anybody! It's the strangest thing to go to town and not know anybody! The only person I wave to when I see her in town is our realtor. Maybe I need a job.LOL

teresa said...

What a beautiful tribute to the people in your life. These cookies look so good, we are guilty of throwing bananas away too, so I will definitely keep this in mind!

The Blonde Duck said...

This looks great! I've got ripe bananas in my fridge I need to use too...

What about PB chips? :)

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...