Friday, April 17, 2009

Those little devils

The thing about food blogging, is that one gets very excited any time they make a meal. A meal that includes something very ordinary, like, well, take for instance "Deviled Eggs."
There were more than one merry food blogger out there describing how to do deviled eggs. Don't get me wrong, I love them, love their blogs...and I did it myself too, but I wasn't going to post the deviled eggs, because, well, I was a bit late for Easter and much better cooks than I had already posted about them.

We didn't have Easter dinner at our house, but went to family/friends to eat, which left us without any deviled eggs. ( I took them to said family/friends house). My husband (geez, I need a cool blog name for him...any ideas? LOL ) was wishing we had some, so I decided to make some more.

I had the start of a cold last night (not surprising since he had one last week), so I went home after work and put some eggs on the stove, cooked, cooled them, and then, was engrossed in a phone conversation later when I decided to finish them.
Now, I am not a huge phone talker, so I was a bit distracted (I know some women who clean their whole houses while on the phone), but I started to mash up EVERYTHING, yolk, whites and all. (I use my pastry cutter, it's real handy for that )
So there I was!!! Stuck with egg salad. LOL

That will teach me to try to do two things at once! Why are so many women "multi-taskers" and I didn't get that gene?

For a great egg salad sandwich, check out Lynda's Recipe Box blog post here.
She had a good one, and why do I need to duplicate greatness?

I'll leave you with my deviled eggs from Easter Sunday.
But check out these two blogs for their eggs also. (isn't it funny, how you can take the same ingredients and we all come out with something just a tad bit different? I'm obsessed with this thought when it comes to potato salad and spaghetti. It's the same stuff, but everyone's is different. It intrigues me. )

Deviled Eggs by "My new 30" I always want to write "my new friend". I hope she doesn't mind.

and Deviled eggs at "Southern Plate"
Christy at Southern Plate was one of my first blogging friends and "encouragers" when I didn't know what I was doing. Heck, I still don't know what I'm doing.

My recipe?
eggs, hard-boiled
mayo--Best Foods (Or Helman's depending on where you live)
brown mustard (just a squirt)
pickle relish (sweet or dill, depending on how you feel)
secret ingredient (we all have one, don't we? mine is a dab of horseradish cream, if I have it. Not enough to make them hot, just a hint of tang/zest, whatever you call it) (I didn't have any this time)
and paprika.

Wah-LA! You have.......

Deviled Eggs.


sadie607 said...

My deviled eggs have a ton of mustard in them. My mom used to make me taste both the deviled eggs and potato salad and it always needed more mustard (in my opinion) so I'm not sure why she always had me taste. The more the better, man now I want some potato salad. Hospital food is not good.

Lyndas recipe box said...

Your eggs look so yummy!I totaly forgot to make these for Easter! Can you imagine that; I had even bought the eggs, but my mind was somewhere else!
Thanks for mentioning my blog; that's so sweet of you!
BTW, you could call your husband, My Man Friday! :)

Cathy said...

You make deviled eggs just the way I like them. And I never get tired of them.

teresa said...

Honestly, if I'm not eating deviled eggs on Easter, something's just not right! These looks delicious, and I've honestly never heard of horseradish in deviled eggs, so I'm glad you posted!

Donna-FFW said...

Horseradish cream is the perfect secret ingredient, perfect!!

Michele said...

My secret ingredient is finely ground green olives...but next time around I'm trying your horseradish cream instead!

Netts Nook said...

I love devil especially eggs. Only thing hubby will not eat. They look great.

Karen said...

I've got a recipe coming up next week that uses hard boiled eggs. Yum! How about Mr. Friendly? LOL

Terri said...

I could never have a summer cookout without serving deviled eggs! It is simply impossible.

We sometimes doctor ours up a little with some chopped, cooked shrimp and a dash of curry powder.

Jolina said...

We love ours with crisped bacon, a little shredded cheese - we use the mixed kind in the bag (!), dried mustard, a little hot sauce and some mayo. We top it with a little more cheese, bacon and a dash of smoked paprika. I don't like the idea of eggs left out for the Easter hunt, so do not use them to eat. It's very wasteful, I know, but none of my family are big egg eaters anyway. Now I want both deviled eggs and potato salad.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...