Friday, January 8, 2016

Bout of Books Scavenger Hunt

Today's challenge for Bout of Books is hosted by Kate at The Book Monsters.
She says:
This challenge is only open to readathon participants, so make sure you’ve signed up!
So, I’ve become a bit obsessed with challenges on Instagram, so I thought it would be fun to host a book scavenger hunt. Add me on Instagram, I’ll follow back and like your bookish stuff! You do not have to use Instagram, you can post on your blog, twitter, tumblr, or goodreads.
You can take your own pictures or use images you find online. Up to you. You can post them separately or in one picture, up to you!
You can complete as many of the hunts as you like. The more you do the more chances you have to win!
If you like hashtags, use this one – #boutofbookshunt
Tag me @bookgoil too!
Simple, right?
Book Scavenger Hunt:
1. Book Shelves
2. A book you’re planning to read/currently reading for Bout of Books
3. A Book and a Beverage
4. Blue Books
5. Cozy Reading Spot
So here are my photos from my own personal scavenger hunt.
1.  A VERY messy book shelf.  Thank goodness it's in a spare bedroom upstairs, but GEEZ, I'll be straightening it tomorrow!
And maybe taking a trip to the thrift store.
I don't need all those books, so I?
(and you can't even see the other two shelves)
I'll sit down with this one tomorrow afternoon, killing two birds with one stone:
Bout of Books challenge
Library Book Club!

My book (almost done with my first read of the year---actually it will come in #2 as I finished an audio earlier in the week)  and coffee would be my 'go-to' book reading drink.  Unless its wine!

There are a couple of blue books in there, aren't there?
(hey---I'm late and in a hurry)

And this is where I read  90% of the time.
I ran around my house doing my scavenger hunt and I go it done in under 5 minutes!!
I'm such a procrastinator!


Tina said...

Oh my......we would get along so very well. I too am a book addict. But the titles you have are calling to me. I liked The Passage by Cronin, loved Jodi Picoult's book Vanishing Point , the Hunger Games, Pat Conroy is a classic and Anything at all by Rosamunde Pilcher! Have you read The Shell Seekers or Coming Home? Love them.

Literary Feline said...

Overflowing shelves seem to be the way of our lives, don't they? I love your reading chair. It looks so cozy! Thank you for sharing!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...