Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bout of Books: Villian Mash-up

Today's challenge is a tough one for me!
It's the Villain Mash-up!

Here is what she says about it:

Villains are my favorite people in books. They just make books more interesting, don't they?

Here are the rules for the challenge:
  • Pick villains from two different books that you would love to see fight each other. It can be from any genre and it doesn't even have to be a physical fight. It could be a verbal one as well.
  • Give a short reason why you think these villains should fight each other
  • You don't have to have a blog to do this challenge. You could tweet it or instagram it or even leave it in the comments. If you do tweet it, don't forget to mention me (@bingeingonbooks) and use the hashtag #villainmashup
  • You must be a Bout of Books participant AND you must do this challenge to be eligible for the giveaway.

As I mentioned above, this is a hard one for me.
Do I read books with 'villians?'
Or am I just having a brain malfunction?  Most books have a villain, right?
The only thing I could think of was Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter villains-- they both have great villains in their books, but they are such an easy pick.
I got to thinking --I just read Charlotte's Web to my grandchildren.  Templeton the Rat was a good villain. Hmmmm....who could best him?  Evil Samuel Whiskers perhaps?!!

I think it would have to be a fight of wits tho.  They are both cunning and villainy!   It would be interesting to see who could best each other in a battle of the wills.

Samuel Whiskers from the Roly Poly Pudding

Templeton from Charlotte's Web.

(altho i hate to think that Templeton was a vicious as Samuel.)

Those are my two literary villains.
Can you think of any two?

1 comment:

Literary Feline said...

That's a great combination! I would have a hard time with this one too. You'd think it would be easy given the amount of crime fiction I read . . .

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...