Saturday, January 30, 2016

Thimble Summer

From Goodreads:
When Garnet finds a silver thimble in the sand by the river, she is sure it's magical. But is it magical enough to help her pig, Timmy, win a blue ribbon on Fair Day?
Paperback, 144 pages
Published July 1st 1987 by Yearling (first published 1938)
Literary Awards
From Me:
At the beginning of the year, I signed up for the Newbery Reading challenge hosted by Julie at Smiling Shelves.   
Children's literature has always held a special place in my heart -- just this past December, the week between Christmas and New Year's,  I read Charlotte's Web with 2 of my grandchildren. I love to see their reactions when reading-- and I've always wanted to read all of the Newbery Award Books.
I don't know if I'll get all of them done this year, but I do plan on reading at least one a month.
I started out with one that has been on my shelf for quite a while, Thimble Summer, first published in 1938.
While it didn't quite live up to "Little House on the Prairie"  in my mind, it was still a cute, fun read about a young girl on a Wisconsin farm in the 1930's.
The thimble did not play a big a part as I thought it might tho.
I have read other's by Enright and enjoyed them more  (Gone Away Lake was a favorite of mine), but the writing was good, simple enough for kids to really read and understand.  Sparks the imagination by  transferring you to a different time.  I would give it 3 stars.
It would be a good read-aloud also. 
And that is #1 in my 2016 Newbery Countdown.
I have almost 100 years to chose from!


bermudaonion said...

It's interesting that the thimble didn't play as big a role as you expected even though it's part of the title. I wonder if kids today know what a thimble is. The book looks cute!

Katherine P said...

I haven't read this one but I love Enright's books. All the Melendy family books are wonderful and Gone Away Lake is my favorite as well. I just love the idea of all those abandoned houses! I need to find a copy of this one even though it sounds like it might not be her best.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...