Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Outdoor Wednesday

On Wednesdays I'll sometimes join A Southern Daydreamer and her Outdoor Wednesday meme to share these pictures.
Stop by and check out other great photos of the outdoors!

This is my outdoor world!
To see other Nevada posts just click on 
Home Means Nevada in the sidebar.

You  know I do love a good Nevada  Boom Town!
Boomtowns are typically characterized as "overnight expansions" in both population and money, as people stream into the community for mining prospects, high-paying jobs, attractive amenities or climate, or other opportunities. Typically, newcomers are drawn by high salaries or the prospect of "striking it rich" in mining; meanwhile, numerous indirect businesses develop to cater to workers often eager to spend their large paychecks

And then....then.... it implodes.
Gold drys up.
And what were once thriving metropolises are now....
(seriously, they were thriving once) 
small little, struggling to survive old west enigmas.
No one can figure out how they manage to survive. How the people who live there can make a living.

This is Austin, NV.
I love Austin.

It's 284 miles from my home to Goldfield.
Most of rural driving in Nevada looks like this:

Just like the old Western movies!
except for the paved blacktop of course.

Carrying on to Goldfield
And you must remember that the Handyman slows down for no man.  Or woman.  Or even me, the love of his life. 
All pictures are taken from the passenger side of the moving car--thru the window usually.
The Handyman is a destination man.  
He wants to 'get there'.

a disclaimer:  He will stop if I insist, but there is  heavy sighing involved and rolling of the eyes, but he is not so unkind as to never stop.
( he just thinks I take the same photos over and over again---it's kind of  true, but there are only 5 things in this whole drive:  sagebrush, lonely roads, old boom town buildings,  semi-trucks and brothels.)

weird buildings in old boom-towns:

Wait just one minute!  A new building---the library.
As the Handyman zooms by.... 

Interesting that the sign says  Black Hills, as there are no black hills in the state of Nevada.  I wonder if this fine jeweler has imported from the Dakotas?

I think it would be fun to come for Goldfield Days!
They have food!  The sign says so.

And then once again---a brothel.
I never think of them--living here.  Except---they are gross. Just sayin'.

YOU  TOO (really you can) can go have a drink at the Shady Lady Ranch!

Have a drink! A Cocktail! (is that a pun?)
and then head off to one of these lovely single wide mobile homes for a bit of hanky panky.
Yes, I could go into the whole plight of women in the industry, morals, sociology-economic issues, etc. but I just like to make fun of it instead.
And hopefully not offend anybody in the process.

 More unique buildings thru the car window.

Someday I'm stopping at the Dinky Diner.

 And that is MY frontier! 


bermudaonion said...

Wow, that road looks really desolate but at least you don't have to worry about traffic.

Unknown said...

Nice picts your windshield was really clean!

Kay said...

This was fun and it was nice to see the wide vistas that you enjoy. Texas has a lot of vistas too. But our Austin is bit larger and more hectic and with lots and lots more traffic! LOL

Villrose said...

A road movie!

Cath said...

It was very interesting visiting your part of the world today and in someways not unlike mine....we have plenty of towns like that in Australia and just as remote and desolate.

Tina said...

You have the coolest places to drive around and visit. We would love to make that trip on the trike and see the desolate highways and old towns. Love your photos.

Literary Feline said...

The landscape looks familiar, although I have never been to the towns you mention. I suppose that comes with living so near the desert. It's beautiful and I love the personality that comes out in your photos.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...