Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lazy Sunday Afternoons

You know...the nice thing about  late fall/winter/early spring are  the lazy Sundays. 
I LOVE Lazy Sunday afternoons!

Even if we did go to church, (which we did)  the afternoons are long and lazy.  Around here it's too cold to do much .....and I love the feeling of lazy Sundays.  Coffee cups and newspapers laying around,  maybe a movie in the afternoon, or a walk (because today the sun is shining and there are blue skies above), both of us reading books in big overstuffed chairs,  playing a game of cards together, baking, cooking,  wonderful kitchen smells.

Okay, I'm sounding kind of old.   Coffee cups and newspapers?  But it's true!   I don't feel the need to pick up on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Now in the summer, it's a different feel altogether.   I'm going to enjoy these last few  'winter' Sunday afternoons, because they be gone soon enough.

I am glad to see the time change ---even if it means losing an hour of sleep once a year.  We almost gained an hour tho.  The Handyman set our clocks BACK an hour before going to sleep instead of forward.   We are lucky to be early risers, and caught on real quick.

I had so much to say....or I thought I did, and now I can't think of anything.
Let's see...

I read  "A Good American" by Alex George while I was in Arizona.  It was a good book.

I am doing a read along this month---Little Women--with  Jill at Fizzy Thoughts.

I signed up to receive a newsletter (email) called "Bloggers Recommended"   ( Bloggers Recommend is the brainchild of veteran book bloggers Jen of Devourer of Books and Nicole of Linus’s    Blanket.)
It is pretty self explanatory  right?    I will receive an email that recommends great books by other bloggers.  (you can too---just check it out)

I just got back from Arizona where I visited my son and his family.
(we visited the Phoenix Botanical Gardens.  It was so beautiful!  Those are glass sculptures there.  The light green ones are Chihuly glass.)

The best words ever are  "Gramma, you are my best friend"
(I LOVE being a best friend)

The sweetest smell ever is:   (most of the time anyway)

I had a wonderful time.
It's  Fish tacos for supper tonight.   My daughter in law made them for me while I was down in Phoenix.  There were so good.   I hope I can recreate her meal.  It was Yum-MEE!!

On the way home this weekend (from the airport--we live  162 miles from an airport, and that many miles from a book store also)  , I made the Handyman stop at a bookstore.  I wasn't going to buy anything, (I have a HUGE TBR pile at home),  BUT- I had just read an essay from an author who prides himself on having always purchases something from every bookstore he's ever entered.  (my hero)  and when I told the  Handyman I wasn't going to get anything, he said "why not?"  (and he  KNOWS how big my TBR pile is!!)  So I felt obligated to buy a couple of books.
This is what I got this past week:

I'm going to go cook or read or maybe take a walk.  I'm crazy like that on lazy Sunday afternoons!


bermudaonion said...

I like the longer days but hate the adjustment to the new time.

I love Dale Chihuly's work - there's a piece of it in the museum in Auburn and it's wonderful.

I bet you're the best Gramma ever!

Karen said...

Aww, sweet girl... those are special words. I would never have thought those 'things' were made out of glass! Sounds like you had a great time.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...