Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday Snapshot

It's me---back from Arizona, and yes, I did make it to the Botanical Gardens.
As we walked thru the garden trails, we saw various sculptures by different artists.  It made for a very interesting little hike.

Here is a picture of a sculpture by Carolina Escobar.   

It looks so bizarre to me....this unique (I can't say weird, because it's all in the eye of the beholder ) sculpture of a...snail (?) in the middle of the Arizona desert.

I liked it, but it was so startling coming upon something like this as you are enjoying native plants and cactus.
I think this looks like an alien.

I am linking to At Home With Books and all the other bloggers who do a Saturday Snapshot.

I'll be back later with more pictures from my trip,  and a few thoughts on books.


Ginx Craft said...

What an interesting sculpture. It is quite hard to work out the scale, the shape or the material used.

Melissa O. said...

It does look a bit like an alien... definitely interesting, thanks for sharing! Here's my Saturday Snapshot post.

bermudaonion said...

Wow, I'm not sure what it is, but it looks huge!

Susan Lindquist said...

I wish I could walk around it and look from all angles! It kind of looks like a native traverse rack, but what about that blue thing at the back end of it and the arching front end? Wow! So interesting! And in such a setting!

Welcome home! You certainly have memories!

Ali said...

I don't know why my comment posted as Anonymous! Here's my snapshot:

Ali said...

And now my original comment disappeared? Blogger, what are you doing to me?

I love the alien snail sculpture, and hope you enjoyed your Arizona trip.

Elizabeth said...

AWESOME sculpture!!!

THANKS for sharing.

Silver's Reviews
My Saturday Snapshot

Christine Harding said...

I think it looks like some kind of giant seedling... the top bit is the blade of the leaf, and the roundish blob on the ground is the seed pod. My Snapshot is at

Karen said...

Eh... I'm not into that kind of "art". I'd just as soon look at cactus :)

Alyce said...

That is quite odd! My first impression from your photo was snail too; if the snail had a very shrunken shell. :)

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...