Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Bookclubs and more Bookclubs!

On Monday, I said this about this book:
This one was---just okay.  I read it for book club and tomorrow night I have to go defend my opinion in someone's house, who really loved it. 

I would recommend with reservations.

But here it is Wednesday, the day after book club and guess what?  I still would recommend it with reservations, BUT we had the best discussion last night.
It was all about women's issues--which the book brought to light in a different way.  I guess they weren't just women's issue:  health, love, parenthood and worry, infidelity, aging, friendships, discovering yourself.  But the book talked about these things among women, so we really, REALLY, got off subject and didn't talk so much about the book's characters, but rather, ourselves.  The book was the catalyst tho.
I still don't know if I'd recommend it,  I didn't love it, but I did love the discussion it brought about.

It was a small group last night--only half of us--but it was fun.
I could kick myself for not stepping outside and taking a picture of Kerry's view. I don't know why I didn't, it's so beautiful, and as you know I like it when I can show off  Nevada's beautiful side.
I took a few photos but my head must have been somewhere else.

Betty and Kerry were our hosts. They served some great appetizers

And Kerry has a very big lazy susan, so serving ourselves was easy peasy.

On Wednesday afternoon,  we had our first Literary Guild Luncheon of the season.
The Literary Club (we gave up the word Guild some time ago) has been meeting since 1952.
We don't all read the same book (except for the month of May), but we have a nice lunch and listen to a book talk.
We have a little booklet with all the members names in it and phone numbers.

Every October we donate money to purchase Dictionaries for all the 3rd graders in the county school system.

And this is the book which Terri gave the report about.

She says we all should read it!


bermudaonion said...

I love that you're in so many book clubs! Also, I want Kerry's table and chairs!

Stefanie said...

What fun you're having! Your friend has lovely, long hair. And how fun to attend a Literary Guild; how interesting that is. That book does look good and glad some 3rd graders will be getting some new dictionaries.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...