Saturday, September 9, 2017

Saturday Snapshot

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by
To participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post to West Metro Mommy Reads!   Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.

In May we took a train ride to the Grand Canyon with our oldest son and his family.

We stayed here:

And we rode this:

We were robbed by outlaws!

 But the conductor came to save the day!

They served some great Bloody Marys on the train.
(I must have been  wondering if I should start drinking this early in the morning?)

Words or pictures can't do the Grand Canyon justice.  You just have to see it to experience it.
But I'll share a few pictures anyway.

While the kids had fun, they loved the train ride to the canyon and the swimming pool at the hotel the most.

It's kind of how I do selfies!

I thought it funny the Handyman checking his phone!  Or posting on Facebook or something---even tho he says he doesn't much.

 We saw some teenage girls taking this photo, so Cassie wanted to pose the same way.

It was beautiful and amazing and so much fun to see it with grandchildren.
Okay, okay---it was fun with Luke and Mara too!
(they just don't think I'm as cool as their kids do)

And those are my snapshots this Saturday.


bermudaonion said...

Oh my gosh, what a fun trip! Now, I want to take that train to the Grand Canyon too!

Sue Jackson said...

Wow, it looks like an amazing trip! The train ride looks like fun & the hotel looks lovely. And of course, as you say, the Grand Canyon is amazing & can't be adequately shown in photos - though yours were great! We haven't been there in about 16 years since our sons were little - time for another visit!

Thanks for sharing -


Book By Book

carol said...

Visiting the Grand Canyon is on my bucket list. It looks like an amazing spot.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...