Sunday, June 21, 2009

I want some Country Bob's

I am feeling seriously deprived. I have never had Country Bob's sauce. I cannot find it in Nevada. Look! My market shelves have no "Country Bob's".

Rachelle at, Mommy? I'm Hungry, is having her 2nd blogoversary and is she being generous!! All week long she is having give-aways to celebrate her birthday bash. That is GIVE-A-WAYS to you and me!!
Well, hopefully you will win something else, because I really, REALLY want the "Country Bob's Sauce".
Go check out Rachelle's blog and find the "give-a-way" that you covet and comment on it. BUT.....geez, I really want the Country Bob's. (so comment on everything else..LOL )
Go back to older posts and see how fun her blog is.

I want some Country Bob's so bad, that I made the Handy-Man take pictures with his cell phone in the store last night. He stood there and waited while people walked by, and then he took the pictures of our barren of Country Bob's sauce shelves!

Nope, no Country Bob's!! But there was some Phil's. I have no idea who or what this is, but my father-in-law's name is Phil. So we snapped a photo.
Still... it's not Country Bob's!

And then he snapped some Budweiser sauce, because he had never seen any before.'s no Country Bobs!

(sigh) there is only one Country Bob's. And if I don't' win the give-away, I'm going to have to do some serious mail-order, because this is driving me crazy.


Mary | Deep South Dish said...

LOL, ... I was fortunate enough to win some because I have not tried it before and I tell ya, it's good, so best of luck to you on that! I hope you win it!!

We do have it here where I live, but it's located at my stores in the section with the steak sauce, hot sauce and Worcestershire sauce - not the BBQ sauce - so in other words, maybe there IS hope???

Heather S-G said...

You know what? I had a comment on my CB post that said someone went to the website and ordered a free bottle. Go check it out!!

Karen said...

Haha... funny. I can just see your handy man taking pics in the grocery store. I can't get Country Bob's here in the middle of Montana, but some months ago they contacted me and sent me a few bottles. It is good, so I hope you win one!

sj said...

hey sweetie... email me your address and I will send you some Country Bob's... I have some extra from a giveaway I did :)

seriously! :)

my email is in my profile :)

Megan said...

I had a couple od bottles sent to me and I love it. Try the meatloaf that is on their website. It's delicious!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...