Thursday, May 28, 2015

Armchair BEA Day 2 Social Media

Good morning.
Happy Thursday.
Happy Day #2 of Armchair BEA.

One of today's topics is: Social Media.

I suck at it.

Let me just blame it on being a tad bit over 50.
(except that's no excuse, because I know many bloggers over 50 who are very proficient in other forms of social media)

So....being over 50 (just a tad!) is not an excuse?
Too lazy to learn?
Too dumb to learn?
Too impatient to learn?

Let my just say  that I'm speaking specifically  of Twitter right now.
I do have a Twitter account
but I really don't get it, so once in a while I'll tweet out a random thought and then get really self-conscious about those random thoughts (although for Steve Martin they work very well...go figure?).
I do think Twitter does automatic Tweets for me on my Goodreads account and some of my blog posts.
I want to join in on Twitter conversations sometimes, but I don't know if I'm supposed to??!!  
Seriously, do i just POP IN?  
And Twitter parties?  Most times the timing is off for me on the West Coast.
I could probably make it work, but therein lies the 'too lazy' excuse.

Too lazy, but also too impatient. 
Yesterday, I tired to participate in the Instagram challenge, but I accidentally put the wrong hashtag on my photo.
I did this at Easter too.... took a photo of my grandchildren and #wastertime, instead of #eastertime.
You know I was not the ONLY ONE who did this.  There are tons of  Easter Instgram photos hash tagged with #waster.
But my (supposed to be) grown up sons would not let me live that down and started hashtagging everything #waster.

Instagram  = afridayfriend

I do realize that most of you today are writing about how to utilize and expand your blogging experience thru Social Media. 
While I am just writing about what a social media dork I am.

the Friday Friends does have a Facebook page
And I am on Goodreads (as Debbie Stone)
and those two I can handle without any faux-paux  for the most part.

Back to the social media dork...
it's okay.
Because, for me, this is just a hobby.
I don't review books,  I just 
and find out, thru  your blogs, what's good, what's trending and what I should read next!

I love your blogs!
I love your tweets  (even if I'm just a voyeur) 
I love your instagrams
Goodreads  suggestions/ratings.

And there are a few of you out there, whom I just really love... gotten to know thru emails etc.

Now....somebody explain Tumblr to me....

The other topic today is
Visual Expressions
There are so many ways to tell stories. Whether it's comic books, graphic novels, visual novels, webcomics, etc, there are quite a lot of other mediums to tell a story. On this day, we will be talking about those books and formats that move beyond just words and use other ways to experience a story.

One silly fact about this 'tad-bit' over 50 blogger...
I love X-Men Comics.
I don't buy them --mostly because comic books are $5.00 and I can read them in 15 minutes.
But I raised 3 boys and they liked them, so...  I just kind of grew to love them.
But, as a rule, I don't read in graphic form.


Ms. Yingling said...

I blame my dislike of social media not on my age (which is close to yours) but in my lack of portable computing device! I log in once a day to blog, log things on good reads, post reviews and check e mail. More time than that in the computer... ugh. i love your goal of using ALL of your cookbooks. Since I collected vintage ones years ago and my daughters are vegetarians, it could get ugly if I tried that! Enjoy Armchair BEA!

Lisa @ Just Another Rabid Reader said...

I rather suck at social media, if it makes you feel any better, and I am only mid 30s, so much closer to the target demographic for that sort of thing!

Anonymous said...

I think that age can play a big part in how we view social media. I have learned to use it and now I actually enjoy it. For me it was a matter of discovering what works for what I am looking to get out of it and focusing on only that. I don't use many of the platforms, just the ones that I enjoy. To many would make my head spin.

Anonymous said...

nice to meet a blogger that's closer to me in age

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...