Tuesday, May 12, 2015

It's Bout of Books Week! Bookish Survey

And while I might have seemed absent  yesterday--I was not!   I was on a ten hour train ride, reading, reading, READING!
And while I do have an iPhone, I don't have an iPad or a laptop to take with me on the long, long train ride.
(I am old, okay? I don't have all the gadgets I need!  And it drives me crazy sometimes)

Before I get started with Day 2 of the Read-a-thon, I am going to check in with the Day 1 Challenge from  Writing My Own Fairy Tale...
She is having a Bookish Survey, so here goes:
(then I'll be back later in the day to join in with today's challenge)

The Questions: 
1. How do you organize your shelves?
2. What is one of your favorite book that’s not in one of your favorite genres?
3. What is the last 5 star book you read?
4. What book are you most excited to read during the read-a-thon?
5. What book do you recommend the most?

The Answers:
1. I have a whole wall of bookshelves in the spare bedroom, which my family jokingly refers to as the library.
3/4 of the shelves are organized by author's last name.
1/4 is my TBR pile.

I have a whole shelf/closet full of children's picture books and novels in the 'Grandkids' bedroom. (hundreds of books)  Which are also organized by authors last name.
Except for a Newberry Winner and Runner up shelf in a different corner
and then some favs the grandkids like me to read over and over again, on shelf by the bunkbeds.

In my bedroom--- I have my brand new books on a shelf and some on a chest.  so I can admire them.
This is different from my TBR pile.

In my living room,  I have a book shelf with  non-fiction books.

2. Sci-fi is not one of my favorite genres.  Yet, every time I read one, I love it!
One of my favorite, is probably  Margaret Atwood's  Handmaid's Tale.

3.   the last 5-star book I read was this one:

Ordinary Grace by William Kent Kruger.
It was just a lovely book.

4.  I am most excited to re-read Helter-Skelter.
Weird I know. 
A non-fiction, true crime investigation book.
But-- Charles Manson has just intrigued me for years.
I remember when that all happened.
(I was very very young of course!)
But I was amazed at how the investigation all came together.
And there is a new TV series coming on May 28, called "Aquarius" and it's all about that (60's Charles Manson investigation, etc) , so, I wanted to reacquaint myself with  it.

5.  Recommend?  Yikes!
Recommend?  AACCKKKK!!
That's so hard!
Even in book club, when it is my turn to choose the book for all to read, I never choose one I have read before.
Because if I did and no one loved it like I did---it would be awful.  I don't know that I can take such rejection.

I'll be back this afternoon with


1 comment:

Jenni Elyse said...

I've thought about reading Helter Skelter. It sounds interesting. I don't know a lot about Charles Manson, but I know the main stuff, I guess. It would be interesting to find out more about what happened and how it all went down.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...