Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Armchair BEA Introduction post

It's Armchair bea week!
Armchair BEA is an online conference that runs in conjunction with Book Expo America in New York City.

It's the next best thing to being there in NYC. For those of us who couldn't make the trip--this really is the next best thing.
Armchair BEA allows us to network with other bloggers, authors and publishers via  the internet/armchair virtual conference.

If you're a book blogger who can't attend Book Expo America and/or the BEA Blogger Convention in New York this May, you don't have to miss all the fun - this virtual convention is the place to be! 

It is Introduction time.....

I am Debbie. 
I live in Northern Nevada. 
 I've never come across another book blogger (or food blogger, for that matter) from Nevada.  Not that they aren't out there-- I just haven't come across them. I would love to know if there are any others out there.
I have been blogging for about 8 years. 

Now on to The Questions~~

Now here is where I get a little confused.
It says to only pick 5 questions to answer.
BUT--was the introduction: 
Tell us a bit about yourself: How long have you been blogging? Where are you from? one of the five questions?  Or just that--an introduction? 
(sigh.  I'll probably get it wrong)

1. I began blogging as a way to let my friends know  what I was up to.  Mostly that was cooking.  I would do food posts, because I love to cook, but then I discovered book bloggers, and since "books are my life" (that's just a partial joke, because it's kind true), I have combined my blog to include food, random life observations and-- BOOKS.   I don't really review them... I just love to talk about them.
I used to have 3 different blogs, one for food/cooking,  one for gardening, and one for books, but I combined them all--oh, and gave up gardening--  it was easier for me that way.
Blogging opened up a whole new world, where there were like people who loved books (and cooking) as much as I did.

2.  What is my theme song?  
At my dinner parties last year, I  asked my guests if they could bring only one  CD to the party, which one would it be? There signature CD, so to speak.
Which is kind of the same thing.

Now I am showing my age:
I said "Dinner Party"

Oh gawd, this is a hard, hard question for me.
I love all kinds of music, 
but.... to show my age again 
my theme song would be:
Don't let Me Be Misunderstood by the Animals
I'm just a soul who's intentions are good, oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.
YES, circa 1964!!
Don't get me wrong--I COULD have picked something more recent, I do know popular music,  but.. ???
I'm always worried that no one 'gets me', so it seems fitting.
Truly tho, I was only 5 years old in 1964.
I listened to my parents music, okay?

3.  What am I reading right now?
I just finished "The Promise of Stardust"
and I can't decide between
a Carl Hiaasen or a Charles Todd book.
Which should I pick?

4. If I were stranded on a desert island, what author would I want to bring with me and why?
Stephen King.  Because he is brilliant.
Creepy?  Yes, but brilliant and well-read.

5. My favorite blog post?
It's a tie. A Three-Way tie!
A Day in the Life was pretty fun!
Happy Nevada Day was fun! 
And.. My Favorite Book Club Post!

For my LIBRARY LOVE,  see the Happy Nevada Day Post above.
Or this one

My favorite Library Door:

And the little library in the town where I live:

and here is my book shelf.
(it says to share a photo of our bookshelves---not a question--it's an order, so it doesn't count  as one of the five, right?)
It's in the spare bedroom.
I feel it looks messy.
But that's it.

except for a few of these in the 'other' spare bedroom closet.
4 shelves like this --- grandkids books.
aka--books I collect and think they should read.

And a random living room bookshelf .
This one hold some classics and non-fiction.
(with an old school stereo on which I play my parents 1960s albums)

And for fun?
A picture of my cookbook shelf. 
and I am slowly making my way thru every one of them.
But that's another story for another day. 


Anonymous said...

wow, neat bookshelves!

Library Educated said...

I like your wine cork decor!

Anonymous said...

I would not have picked up on the fact that you said CD. I guess I'm showing my age as well.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to meet you, Debbie. I love the packed bookshelves and that library door is fab.

Lisa-Marie Jordan said...

That first library door is awesome and those bookshelves are great! Cheers!

Ashley Farley said...

Wow. I can't get over your book collections. Have you ever considered reading on a kindle? ;-) I'm with you on Stephen King. He is brilliant. Love is On Writing memoir. Looking forward to spending this exciting week with you. Ashley at Chronicles

fredamans said...

LOVE The Animals! Have that song on my ipod.
Stephen King is a wise choice. You won't get bored, that's for sure.
Lovely shelves!!
Happy ABEA!

Nise' said...

Great looking book shelves. I've got to get a shelf just for my grandson's books. Have a great week.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I love all the bookshelves!

Your music choice is great. Of course I knew before you told how old you were...I'm a Debbie, too, and all us Debbies are the same age. (Well, I'm a few years older.)

Hope you find more book bloggers in Nevada.

Rachel Farmer said...

Love love love the pics of your bookshelves! All jumbled and overflowing like good bookshelves should be. :) Sadly, I'm not from Nevada so I can't satisfy your need to meet other book bloggers from there.. But hello anyway from little ol' Britain! Happy ABEA!
Rachel @ Dashing Good Books

Laurie C said...

I'm right around your age, too, but in Massachusetts, not Nevada! Thanks for visiting my Introductions post! I totally overlooked that the instructions said pick only five questions. I can't remember how many I picked now, but I didn't have time to answer all of them, so I probably inadvertently followed the directions!

Laurie C said...

Forgot to ask if you know about the Weekend Cooking link-ups every Saturday at Beth Fish Reads ( because your cooking from your cookbooks posts would be great for that!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...