Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Putting up!

Putting up....what do you think when you hear that phrase?

Putting up fruit? Preserves? Veggies? Canning?
That is the phrase Lynne Rosseto Kasper uses when talking about canning.

I might "put up" some applesauce or apple butter, because I do have apples on my tree still.
Are you "putting up" anything this autumn?

I've been away from blogging for a long time. I want to get back....
maybe if I actually cooked something (besides sloppy joes with manwich).......


Karen said...

I haven't blogged in a month! When I get home I'm going to start in again... we can encourage one another too cook! I still want to make a recipe from your whore cookbook. LOL

Jessica White said...

I "put up" stuff last Fall and we still haven't eaten THAT I didn't do anything for this year.

I've been thinking of starting a day of the week in which I highlight easy (healthy) meals that other's email to're more than welcome to take the idea (don't know how much time I'll have for it lol)

The Blonde Duck said...

I put up blueberry pie...

Mary Bergfeld said...

We use the term "put by" but it means the same thing. I do a lot of it. Fruit jams, tomatoes, peaches and pears. Then I pull out the pressure canner and do still more including red and green salsa. The quantities that are put by are much smaller than they once were but I can't imagine not doing it.

Lyndas recipe box said...

I hope you can get back to cooking because I miss you!
I mostly put up frozen stuff; corn, blackberries and blueberries this year.

~~louise~~ said...

Does freezing lemon juice count as "putting up"? I went on this lemon kick for about a week. When it was over, I squeezed all the lemons and froze the juice in ice cube trays. I have THREE trays of lemon juice.

That's about as close to putting up as I'm going to get this year:)

Cyndi said...

I've been roasting pumpkins, making puree, and freezing it in 1-cup bags. So far I have 9, and there are two more pumpkins in the basement. Pumpkin butter and pie are on the agenda for this weekend.

Terri said...

I just barely putting up with the weather! Raining again today, which makes it 21 days out of 29..and more expected tomorrow. Ugh.

With my rant out of the way, the only things I "put up" are leftovers and big packages of meat and fish. Divide them up, vacuum seal them and put them in the freezer.

Kathy Walker said...

This is something that I used to do...I spent my summer making putting up pickles and jam....when does the time go? I am so eager to have my summers once again so that I can resume my "putting up" time and find new things to "put up"!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...