Friday, September 9, 2016

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted each week by

This week's question is:

When you set a yearly reading goal, do you set it high to force yourself to meet that goal or do you keep it low and normally go over that goal any way?

My answer?
This is a hard one for me.
I always think I set it  'just about right' and then I go way over  OR don't come anywhere close.  But to be fair, the couple of years I didn't come anywhere close, there was lots of upheaval in our lives.
(does upheaval mean only bad?   Because in those years there was both good and bad stuff, but just really busy kind of stuff that kept me from reading.
  I'm getting off track, aren't I?)

I'm not as fast a reader as some, but I am a fairly fast reader.  I sent my goal last year at 52, but read 98.
This year I set it at 60 and today I'm at 58 read.

I do like to meet my goal, but I guess I do need to up my game and set a more realistic number.

What about you?  Do you set reading goals?


Kay said...

Nope. Not any more. And I've had years like you described. I do know that after moving to a house in the country, audiobooks have become much more a part of my life and reading. They make up almost half of what I read now.

bermudaonion said...

I don't set any goals because that would set me up for failure.

Elza Reads said...

I do set reading goals yes, but try to keep it as realistically as possible! You can read all about it and also see what I'll be reading over the weekend @:

Elizabeth said...

I keep my goal LOW and REASONABLE. :)

No sense stressing about my favorite thing to do.

Terrific answer.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Happy Hopping!!

Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer

Stefanie said...

I do the Goodreads challenge. I had set it I guess on the first of January and was very confident that I could read 101 books in 2016 in a snap. Totally mo-ded. I had to change my number. Knitting has had first seat this year, especially since Christmas knitting hangs over my head like a guillotine.

Literary Feline said...

I don't like the pressure of reading towards a numeric goal, but I do like participating in the Goodreads challenge. So, I end up setting my goal at a number I can reach and pass by with relative ease.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...