Tuesday, November 10, 2015

First Chapter, First Paragraph, Tuesday Intros

Today is Tuesday--- which means I'll be joining up with Diane at Bibliophile By the Sea and her First Chapter, First Paragraph
Tuesday Intros, 
Where,  bloggers post the first paragraph of a book they are thinking of reading --- and get everyone's opinion to see if it grabbed them from the beginning or not.
Click here to join the fun!

My paragraph:

Dec. 24, 1944
Dear Mama and Rachel,
it is the day before Christmas and though I know I should be so happy with my own sweet angel baby Mary who lies right here beside me as I write this letter, I will tell you the truth.  I am weepy and cannot hold back my tears.
Why do you reckon this is so, when Mary and me a have everything we need here?

My book:

I'll keep reading!
We are reading this for one of my book-clubs and we have decided to make the recipes at the end of the chapters for our pot luck.
I'm sure I'll be posting about it -- my book club love!

Now I have a confession to make and I'm wondering if this every happens to you.

I did not read this book---(from my post a few weeks ago)
I started it, but couldn't get into it.
I was supposed to have read it for tonight's library book club. (uh oh)
I tried, I just couldn't get into it. I don't think the timing was right for me, so I listed to the sample on Audible.com and I think it might be a really good listen.  I just don't have time right now.
Has anyone read this?
Has this happened to anyone who said  -- YES I'LL KEEP READING on this meme? 
Have you ever had to put the book aside and say "not for me?"


Literary Feline said...

I'm in the mood for Christmas books, so this one appeals to me. I like the opening you shared. It's sad. Looking at the date, I can't help but wonder if world events are affecting her feelings or something else.

I'm sorry you couldn't get into Lovers at the Chameleon Club. Sometimes it's timing, I think, and other times the book just isn't a good fit for you. Hopefully if you do decide to listen to it, you will end up enjoying it. If not though, I hope you won't waste too much of your precious reading time on something you aren't enjoying.

It's happened to me before that I've found out books aren't for me the more I read. Even books I have highlighted with this meme. Sometimes you can't tell until you are well into a book, as you have discovered.

Stefanie said...

That sounds fun, making the book's recipes and sharing it all amongst yourselves. I had sort of belonged to a book club but could never make it so I think I don't get any more invites, LOL. But if I were to be a part of one, I think I would force myself to read it or squeeze in the audio which seems easier for heavy, factual books.

Margot said...

I'm not in the mood for Christmas books yet. I need a couple more weeks. I have had your same experience of starting and then abandoning a book later. I don't worry about it. There are so many great books out there that I'll never be able to read all I want. So, I don't worry about letting a book go. I do love your book club idea of everyone making a recipe to share. I'm going to suggest that to one of my book clubs.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I read this book years ago and liked it.

Nise' said...

I would keep reading. I have a couple of Christmas books on the stack and will probably get to them after Thanksgiving.

nikki @bookpunks said...

Mmm, doesn't so much sound like my thing. I don't like sad in my realism, and I am not big on reading about Christmas stuff. So I guess a pass for me just going on the intro.

My First Chapter post is here if you're interested: http://www.bookpunks.com/so-it-begins-timebomb-by-scott-k-andrews/

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...