Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday Post #4

This is my Sunday Post #4
The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
I love Sundays to be 'lazy' days, but I  know that's not how today will play out for me.
Besides being the liturgist  in church (why? WHY? do I sign up for these things!)  I have to do some grocery shopping and cleaning.
And the Handyman will probably want dinner tonight!

Earlier this week I did a blog post on the cookbook I'm making my way thru--  The Friday Friend Cookbook--- and I mentioned that the notebook is beginning to show some wear  and tear and that it would probably fall apart before I'm finished making my way thru it.  A couple of days after I posted that,  I received  an email from my friend Shelly and she said:
You know…we (I) could “Shutterfly” the Friday Friend cookbook for you.  Scan the recipes, get photos from you, copy/paste your stories, etc.  Just let me know if/when you want me to start on this.  J
So of course I said: WOW!!  YES PLEASE!
What a friend!  She will join myself (who is making every single recipe in the book and posting about it) Barbara (who did the original cookbook--collected all the recipes and typed and copied every single one) in the Friday Friend Cookbook Hall of Fame!
I have a confession to make---I didn't cook one time this week.  Leftovers on Monday, Grilled cheese on Tuesday, book clubs on Wed, Thurs and Friday we took the Handyman out for his birthday dinner and last night we ate at Friends.
And like I mentioned --I bet the Handyman will want dinner tonight!!
I better get busy!
Book Blogger Hop (Do you read every day?)
Nonfiction November Week #3 (what non-traditional way to you read nonfiction? audio, etc)
All the Stars in Heaven (book opinion)
Between the World and Me (book opinion)
Ho-Ho-Ho Read-a-Thon update--Christmas Bells
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving Week.
What's on the menu?
My brother called this morning and wanted to know if I had my mom's 'dressing/stuffing' recipe.  I don't.  I think she just made it by memory--which I ironic, because
1) that was the only recipe she ever made by memory-she was a recipe follower
2) she couldn't remember anything at the end of her life
3) on Thanksgiving morning we will, as a family, be taking part in the 2nd annual (in our small town) Up and AATT  (Alzheimer's Awareness)'Em Turkey Trot  3k, 5k, or 8k!  For Alzheimer's!!   In honor of my mom!!
Thanks to my friend Gini Cunningham, who brought the original Turkey Trot to us!!  (seen her from last year)
Before we had an OFFICIAL Turkey Trot tho, we did our own family one. 
And I will leave you with a few photos of the 'original'  Stone Family Turkey Trot.   (it was pretty much a free-for-all!    complete with Turkey hats made by the grandchildren--which fell off the adults as we ran)




bermudaonion said...

Don't you just hate it when other members of your family want to eat? lol I spent most of today cooking. Carl liked the cheesecake but the rest of us thought it was odd to have the texture of apples and pecans with cheesecake.

Literary Feline said...

I had a lazy Sunday to make up for your busy one. ;-) Your Sunday sounds like my Saturday.

I love your photos. :-) I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We're having a non-traditional Thanksgiving this year, which I'm really looking forward to. I think most of all though, I'm looking forward to the long weekend!

Stefanie said...

You guys are funny. It's terrific how you participated in that fundraiser.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...