Friday, November 13, 2015

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted each week by
This week's question is:
How long does it normally take you to read a book? 
My answer is:
Some books I can read in a day, but on average 3-5 days.
I used to think I was a fast reader, but after stalking the book blogger world for a while now, I think I'm slow.  Everyone reads so many books!!  I am envious of how fast some of you are.


bermudaonion said...

I'm certainly not a fast reader but, I swear, I read slower now than I used to.

Elizabeth said...

I agree.

I see folks reading more than one book at a time and also reading so many in a week.

I am very slow. :)

Takes me at least a week for ONE book.

ENJOY your weekend.

Happy Hopping!!

Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer

Kate Fernyhough said...

It usually takes me a week or two, but I usually have a couple of books on the go at once, a novel and a you make me feel slow!!

Unknown said...

I am slow between books (sometimes as long as a month or more!). Once I get into a book though, if it's good, I will read it in a day or two. I agree, I am amazed at how many books some book bloggers read each month. I usually read only one book at a time.

Kristine @ The Writer's Inkwell said...

I don't think that makes you a slow reader! You probably absorb more about the stories you read than I do. I typically turn and burn (metaphorically) books. While this helps me get through books quickly (which helps me when I get a bunch of new books from the library at the same time), it also leaves a lot of different stories floating around in my head at once.

Hope you have a great weekend!

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My Blog Hop Answer

The end

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