Monday, October 3, 2016

It's Monday--What are you Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile!

Okay....the run down on what I'm reading!

On my Kindle:
loved her book "a Homemade Life" and like her podcast "Spilled Milk"

In my Hand:
I was given this to do a review on---it has all my weaknesses; memoir, food, travel books!

On Audio:
For the Classic Club also.

Totally Lit Bookclub:
I read this for Lit Wits in March-- I also will not be doing a re-read, but I loved the book.

Lit Wits Bookclub:
This was my pick for the month, but I made them vote on a couple.  So, not really MY pick, but their's.   I would have chosen Rosemary's Baby, for a good spooky read!  But I'm also always up for a good foodie/restaurant/love story too!

Library Bookclub:
I've read this before and liked it, so I won't be doing a re-read--I don't have the time this month.

TBR Bookclub:
I'm waiting to find out for sure, but it looks like I'll be reading this for October (the voting ends on Friday--you can vote here if you want to)

Classic Bookclub:
I just joined the Classic Book Club and started reading/listening to this classic mystery:

But due to the Classic 'spin',  I will be reading this one soon.  I have 60 days to do so.
The names alone might do me in!
But I'm excited!

And that's what is on my bookshelf right now. 

Well, there are 1000 things on my bookshelf right now, but these are what I'm reading this month.


Erin @ Quixotic Magpie said...

Ooo Dr. Zhivago! I need to read that one day. Or listen to it. Maybe this winter..

I started the year with an Agatha Christie book, And Then There Were None and I loved it. It's the only one of hers that I have read, and I keep meaning to read more. This might actually be a good month to pick one up!

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I am reading The Invisible Library which is young adult, sci-fi, steampunk. I'm only on chapter two but it's interesting so far. It's a nice change from all of the modern romances I've been consuming. I had another ebook request come in but I'm not in the mood to read it so I let it go. I have a Mary Alice Monroe waiting for me in the library which I need to get or may let go as well as I have a last minute doc appt. I need to move Agatha up before the end of this year. I may have read that O'Neal book before; I believe I liked it.

Anonymous said...

And I can't remember Debbie if I had said thank you for taking the time to read my HP post ^__^. I'm so proud of that dinner.

FictionFan said...

A busy month! Lucky you've already read a couple of them. I'm guessing the Agatha Christie will be a shorter read than Zhivago... ;) I'm trying to clear the decks of some review copies and maybe fitting in some horror fro the spooky season. Enjoy your reading!

Elizabeth said...

LOVE Agatha Christie's books...ENJOY!!

Nice on Dr. Zhivago.

Have a wonderful reading week, and thank you for coming by my blog, Debbie.

Silver's Reviews
My It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Greg said...

I need to read more Agatha Christie, and I've heard that's a good one. Follow That arrow looks nice too... hope you have a great reading week!

bermudaonion said...

Delancey looks really good to me. I hope you like The Magicians more than I did.

Nise' said...

Probably got as many books on the TBR shelf too! The Lost Recipe for Happiness was a good read. Doctor Zhivago would be a good audio listen. Have a great week.

Lindsey said...

I need to read Kristin Hannah one of these days. Have you read many of her books? Which book would you tell someone to start with?

Jane @ said...

I devoured every single Poirot book I could get my hands on when I was a teenager, I just adored them!!

Unknown said...

You have some great books listed. I loved Wild and want to read Dr. Zhivago. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

I love your book haul this week. I have read a couple of Agatha Christie novels but not the one you have liste this week. I must look it up and give it a try.
The Nightingale is one of my favourite books and Kristin Hannah is one of my favourite authors too.
Doctor Zhivago is a beautuful classic I enjoyed some years ago. I hope you like it too.
Happy reading!
Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...