Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Magicians--Winner of my TBR List for October

October Winner

This is the 6th time I have I joined in a monthly meme hosted by Michelle at  Because Reading is Better than Real Life, in which we put up 3 books on the first Saturday of the month, and then you readers, vote on which one I should read, I read and then I write a blog post on the last Saturday of the month.

Today is the last Saturday of the month.
It's so much fun! I love participating in this monthly meme.

This time the winner was:
The Magicians
by Lev Grossman

I have a like/love relationship with Sci-Fi and Fantasy.
This one? 
I didn't love.
Maybe it was the timing? Maybe it just wasn't for me?
It is  402 pages long.  I read 244 and then...  I
Did not finish it. It me.... that nothing was happening.  
I have set it aside for a while.  I might pick it back up when the time is right for me, but for now, it's back on the shelf.

So that's it for me this month.

I'll  see you next week with another 3 from my TBR List.


bermudaonion said...

I finished that book because I read it for a book club but I didn't love it.

Laura Greenwood said...

Oh no, I'm really sorry that this one didn't work out for you. My TBR book this week wasn't my favourite either, let's hope for better next month!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...