Sunday, October 30, 2016

Weekend Cooking--this and that

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts!
Hosted by Beth Fish Reads!

It's a rainy day in Northern Nevada--again.  I just heard we are having the rainiest October on record. 
I like it.
I am spending today just going through new magazines that I received in  the mail this week.

I've always loved "Taste of the South" and plan on making those yummy looking  Pecan Pie filled thumb print cookies for the holidays. 
And this....the
First edition of Christopher Kimball's "Milk Street Kitchen", so excited to get it finally. 
I really like it.  I like the look of it a lot.   It's a teeny bit reminiscent of  Cooks Country, but I like that magazine too.

I'll probably get a subscription for the year.  It's good reading. If you like this kind of thing.

I've also been enjoying a little this book today:

A Foodies book of days. This is lovely, but not something you read completely  in one setting--it's one you read a daily passage of a few times a week.  Sometimes I'll read 7 days at one time, but never more than that as they are nice to ponder.

I'm also loving working my way thru (reading, not cooking, but I might do that someday too) How to Celebrate Everything.
This is the perfect cookbook--foodie memoir-- to read early in the morning!

There is a page in this  cookbook where Jenny Rosenstrach has a photo of   her husband's grandmother's cooking notebook. It has clippings from magazines and handwritten recipes, complete with yellow tape!
(I told you....Jenny and I have so much in common.)
The bottom is Rosenstrach's cookbook, the top notebook is my mom's.

I didn't know that this notebook of my mom's existed until after she passed away, but in it she too, has recipes clipped from magazines and some handwritten family recipes. I think she began this while she was in high school, as some seem to remind me of  pamphlets from Home Ec class.

I'll keep it forever...and probably never make Shrimp Elegante or Seaside Supper, but as  Jenny says "It's nice to know it's there" 

From Jenny's cookbook......

I said I'd never make any of these recipes but
serendipitously  (thank goodness for spell check) I found an old recipe that my mom used to make for my husband.  He once told her he loved it and she so she would always make it for him when we came to visit.  It was  a standard.  I'm not sure if he loved it as much as she thinks he did, but---maybe.   Anyway, he did tell her that (yay him for making my mom feel so good), so she would make this Teriyaki Steak with rice and peas.    A throw back to some 1960's international flare!
I think I'll make it for him--for nostalgias sake.  We'll see if he really likes it or not.
This will be fun!

And I just loved these people from this page in my mom's homemade notebook.
They are dieters for sure!

Having a good weekend.  How about you?


bermudaonion said...

I have a notebook like that too! I think I'll get my sister a subscription to Milk Street for Christmas - it looks perfect for her.

Mae Travels said...

Intriguing reading list you have there!

best...mae at

Anonymous said...

OMGosh; thanks for mentioning Christopher Kimball's new venture. That would make a great birthday present for my mum. She loves watching America's Test Kitchen and has bought several cooking pieces because of them.

Beth F said...

My issue of Milk Street hasn't arrived yet -- can't wait to see it. I think I'll love it. That new Rosenstrach book looks awesome .. I like her other books, so I guess I'll have to buy this one too. And I have notebooks from my mom and grandmother just like you do.

Margot said...

I'd love to see the new Milk Street magazine as Cook's Illustrated used to be one of my favorites. Unfortunately, my eye-sight doesn't allow me to read that small print anymore. I love the thoroughness of that organization. I also love your scrapbook stuff. I had one just like that until I cleaned out excess stuff. I'm really sorry I did that.

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...