Sunday, January 7, 2018

Friday Friend Recipe #174 - Jack Daniels Lemonade

My Friday Friend Cookbook Countdown #174!
My Mom's Jack Daniels Lemonade!

and you know all the whys and wherefores of this countdown, right? Homemade cookbook, friends contributed, Handyman said I couldn't/wouldn't do it, I'll show him, yadda yadda yadda....
...and the rest is cookbook history!

I have a feeling this recipe is more of my dad's, as my mother was not a drinker really.  NOT to say that my dad was, but my mother only liked a handful of cocktails in her whole life:
a Harvey Wallbanger
Slo Gin Screw
Peach Schnapps and orange juice
and a Strawberry Daiquiri

Just sayin'.... Jack Daniels is not on her list.
So this one's for my dad.

Jack Daniels Lemonade
Bev Hambelton or Mike Hambelton 

1 part Jack Daniels
1 part Sweet and Sour mix
1 part Triple Sec
4 parts Sprite
lemon slices

Mix first 3 ingredients. Add ice and stir. 
Now you could add the Sprite, but I prefer to just top off the last 1/4 of the glass.  Up to you.
Garnish with lemon and cherries.

When we last left my parents-- 2 recipes ago, I mentioned that they loved to travel a bit.
They did. Every couple of years, they would take a cruise someplace.
I have no idea where this cruise was to, but I am aghast  to see that my dad is wearing a 'onesie'. 

Last spring while at our family cabin with my brother and sister-in-law, we were going thru tubs of photos and I came across these. 
I said--OMG, Dad has on a onesie!
My sister-in-law, Sylvia, always loyal to my dad said--no he didn't! It's shorts and a shirt. It's an 'out-fit'. 
I said--a onesie outfit
She said--no, it's two pieces, it just looks like one.

And then we laughed, because....well.... (onesie)

He broke up the line here with a touristy fanny pack!

I'm thinking--fanny pack, matching shirt and shorts, this must be the early 90's. And they probably went to the Caribbean. 

I am hoping he got to enjoy many Jack Daniels Lemonades this trip!

By the way--this is a really refreshing cocktail. It's worth trying.

That's my story friends!
This is recipe #174--only 120 left to go!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

Your parents were adorable and the drink sounds terrific!

The end

  ...about 25 years ago, 50 of my closest friends and family, who had been on an   e-mail forum with me, sent in recipes in different catego...